Chapter 2

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Caty POV

The day was finally here. I was going to Nevada with Tara. We were going to be investigating the Goldfield hotel on my birthday. And I was getting to see Zak again. Happy birthday to me! When I woke up the morning of my flight I was so excited. I was surprised that I had gotten any sleep the night before. We would soon be with my brother and his friends getting ready to investigate the Goldfield in just a couple days on my birthday. This was something that I had always hoped for but never had the chance to experience. 

I was getting a cup of coffee when I looked at my watch. We had four hours until our flight left and I went to check on Tara and see if she was getting ready. I opened the door to her room and was unsurprised to see that she was still sleeping. Her head was hanging off to the side of her bed and she was drooling. I smirked, shaking my head. I closed her door and headed back to my room to take a shower. All of my clothes and my equipment were packed. I even made sure to bring extra clothes just in case because my brother and I love to prank each other so I knew there was going to be a mess at some point. He was evil when it came to shaving cream.

As I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the warm water, my mind went to Zak again. I had often imagined him in my shower, pressing me up against the wall while he took me from behind. I could imagine the contours of his muscles and his abs. I closed my eyes and ducked my head under the water and ran my hands through it trying to wet it enough. I imagined that it was his hands and as I continued running my hands along my body, I imagined him pressing himself against me. I began to breathe heavily and slowly made my way down to my center. Before I could do anything though, there was a knock on the door. 

"Hey are you almost done?" Tara's voice called. "I need a shower as well. I don't want to get to Goldfield and smell bad. Especially in front of your hot brother." I mimed gagging and rolled my eyes. I must have woken her up when I shut her door.

"I literally just got in Tara," I called back to her, my fantasy of Zak fading from my mind.

"Ok well please be quick. I need to get in and we need to leave in two hours," she yelled back through the door.

I groaned and went back to showering, wondering how I was going to handle being in the same room as that man. I wasn't going to be able to do my job properly if I wasn't able to focus. And boy did that man make me lose focus. As I rinsed my hair, I closed my eyes again and thought of his eyes and his face. I shivered slightly; yep I had it bad. This was going to be interesting.



Today was the day that Catherine was coming in. I was a wreck. I was nervous about seeing her again. She was incredibly beautiful which was saying something seeing as she was Aaron's sister. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I knew a little bit about her from meeting her a few times but as I thought about the next week, I really began to think about her; what would she really be like? What kind of investigator would she be? There was something about her that made me feel nervous but I couldn't place it. There was something in me that wanted her no where near the Goldfield hotel. I couldn't bear the thought of her getting hurt in there and it was confusing and shocking to me that these feelings were so strong. I needed to get a grip and keep reminding myself that she was off limits.

I was staring out the window thinking of her, when there was a knock on my door. I walked over to answer it and saw Aaron standing there. 

"Hey bro, you want to go with us to the store? I have to get a few things before my sister gets here,"  he explained. I shrugged.

"Sure why not?" I replied. "I need to get a few things too." I wanted snacks and I also felt like getting lunch. Catherine and her friend wouldn't be here for another seven hours or so, so it made sense to go now.

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