Five Fifths

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Ichika: I got a work call at the last minute. Sorry. No fireworks for me.

She chuckles and backed away from me, smiling and rubbing the back of her head.

Ichika: But, hey, were quints. If they miss me, they can just look at each other.

My sweat dropped hearing that.

Y/n: Pretty sure that's not how it works.

Ichika: Gotta go, my ride's waiting for me.

She started to walk away from me.

Y/n: Wait! You can't go yet! I need to know what's going on!

She stopped.

Ichika: What for?

Y/n: Huh?

Ichika turned around to face me.

Ichika: You sure care a lot. What's that about?

I was silent no idea how to answer that.

Ichika: Do you fuss over us because you're our tutor?

Y/n: Good question.

Ichika: Well.

Y/n: I don't know why. I guess it's just in my nature to help people in need. Like a good samaritan.

She started to walk from me.

Ichika: Anyway, it was nice talking to you.

Y/n: Wait hold up.

She stops and gasps.

Ichika: Oh no! This is bad!

She turns around and puts her hands on my chest staring at me.

Ichika: Someone from my workplace is here!

Y/n: Your work?

Ichika: Yeah, I snuck away without telling him anything.

Y/n: -_- Why would you even sneak away in the first place?

Me and Ichika looked around the corner and spotted the man who was with Ichika before.

Y/n: Wait. It's mustache man. Wasn't he with you before?

Mustache man then looked in our direction and started walking towards us.

Ichika: Oh crap, he's heading over here!

We both backed up deeper into the alley we were in. Ichika wrapped her arms around my stomach and pulled herself into me so we can hide our faces.

Y/n: Woah! Wait hang on...

We both were up against the wall when mustache man looked at us in the alleyway hugging each other.

Y/n: Uhh....

I was staring at him from the corner of my eye waiting for him to leave.

Mustache man: Time for a break.

He sits down at the corner of the wall.

Y/n:( Thoughts) You gotta be kidding me!

I couldn't help but sigh.

Y/n: How long are we gonna keep this up? I'm getting a little uncomfortable here.

Ichika: Sorry. Don't move yet.

Y/n: Not like I can. You have me pinned against the wall.

Ichika: If someone saw us like this, I wonder if they'd think we were a couple.

Y/n: Most likely. It's hard to read the situation any other way.

She laughs.

Ichika: Well, now I feel a little guilty. I mean, we're just friends.

(ON HOLD) Welcome To the Web (Quintessential Quintuplets X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora