❁ Chapter 1 ❁

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"Your totals $3.47."

The elderly lady nodded politely and searched through her handbag with shaky hands.

Delilah couldn't help but look down at her with slight pity at the fact that she had walked all the way down to the bakery for a cup of coffee.

She bit her lip softly and touched the top of the lady's hand gently.

"It's alright ma'am I'll take care of it."

The lady was stunned at her kindness but nodded her head with a wide smile coating her face.

"Thank you so much young lady I- I really appreciate it."

A smile stayed stuck on Delilah's face as she tilted her head slightly and put four of her dollars in the cash register.

"Its no problem. Enjoy your coffee."

The lady walked away with her walker and sat down at the table against the wall.

A sigh escaped Delilah's lips as she turned around and kept making to go orders with a now straight face.

She was so exhausted from doing overtime until 1:00am at just to wake up at 5:00am.

The bags under her eyes kept getting deeper from the lack of sleep. She even had to work on the weekends which is supposed to be her days off.

Luckily her boss didn't ask for her to stay late today which meant she could finally lay on her bed and watch a movie with her cat Sniffles.

When the clock hit the number six she removed her apron and grabbed her bag and coat hurriedly.

She knew that if her boss saw her he would want her to work overtime once again.

Of course she could say no but he pays her so much more when she stays for a couple more hours.

She exhaled in happiness as she walked out of the bakery successfully, her feet walking away hurriedly just in case he came out to call her in.

The sunset always caught her attention for sure. She felt the heat of it against the side of her face making her squint her eyes and stare at it with a small smile.

The moon was her favorite between the two but she also loved the view of the sun going down slowly.

Her legs stopped when she reached the front of her apartment building.

Most people wouldn't like it but for her it was paradise. It was a a light grey, the color already half peeled off and dirty but she wouldn't change it for anything.

This was the only cheap place she scowls find when she ran away from her abusive household with only five hundred dollars.

She knew it wasn't much but it was enough for that moment.

Luckily the owner was kind enough to not charge her for rent money the first month she arrived knowing she didn't even have enough for food.

Her keys jingled with every stepped as she gripped onto them tightly. Her mind brought her back to the time when her key fell down the balcony and on top of a tall car.

Purring could be heard on the other side of the door making her smile softly.

She found Sniffles on the side of the road, trembling with fear and hunger. Her heart ached as she heard the kitten meow in pain. The kitten didn't even scratch her as he rubbed his trembling self on her leg.

The cat meowed happily as she now pulled the door open softly, careful to not hit him.

"My little baby! How have to been?"

The cat jumped in her arms as she bent down and pressed her head against his small one.

"Come on Sniffles let's go get you some food."

He stayed in her arms like a baby, licking his lips  as she dropped her bag and prepared his food.

"I'm so happy I can spend the afternoon with you! I'm going to smother you with kisses all evening."

She pressed her head against the side of his face and repeatedly kissed him hearing his purr at her ear.

"Come on Sniffles eat up."

She placed his food on the floor and walked towards the bathroom as she removed her clothes.

The shower could be heard loudly throughout the whole room as she finished undressing.

The invisible dirt washed off her body as she entered the shower, the burning feeling making her muscles relax.

Her hands reached her favorite soap and lathered it all over her body. She inhaled deeply, the smell of lavender and vanilla filling her senses.

Every negative thought left her mind as she scrubbed her hair with the same scented shampoo. Her eyes fluttered shut at the relaxing feeling.

A squeak could be heard as she shut the shower off, her hair dripping water all over the floor as she got out.

The towel felt cold as it touched her warm body making her compress it against her to get it warm.

A shiver ran down her spine as she the cold air from the room hit her body.

Her feet left wet marks on the floor as she walked towards her drawers looking for her pajamas.

It was the only pink item she owned aside from her undergarments so it was pretty easy to find.

She grabbed a pair of panties and slid them on under her very comfortable pants.

The old bed creaked as she threw herself onto it with a tired sigh, her eyes shutting almost immediately.

Sniffles jumped on the bed and on top of her as he made himself comfy on top of her.

A loud yawn escaped her as she rubbed Sniffles with one hand, her eyes shutting completely.

She wished it was like this everyday.


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