Even the best laid plans....

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Again you sat to the side as Leo chewed out Raph for again disobeying orders. Ever since they had defeated shredder and the kranng, Leo had gotten more intense with both training and leading his team. So now Raph had made the mistake of answering aprils phone when the police force had called. Instead of giving the phone to April or telling everyone what was going on... he left on his own. Rule one down the drain Raphael style. "What were you thinking?! We have all agreed that either Casey or April would deal with them before we make a decision!" Leo yelled pacing back and forth as Raph leaned against the wall. "You even went alone! What happened to us being a team Raph!" Leo stopped infront of his brother. He took a deep breath and looked at me, noticably calming a bit. "Raph, I don't want to see you get hurt. We're not the same team without you." He softly said looking back at Raph and without another word walked away. "(Y/N), come on." He said putting his hand out to me on his way by. I nodded quickly and took his hand. "Leo." I say trying to catch his attention as we walked down the tunnels away from the lair. He only gave a quiet hum in response. "Well I can't help but notice that the boys have been make a lot of mistakes lately. They're distracted and always keeping an eye on other things." "What are you saying? That I should give them a break?" He started, interupting me. "Leo." I Say sternly while giving his hand a tug to ask him to stop. "Sorry I didn't mean to snap." He says while stopping and turning to me. "I'm not saying to give them a break. Leo, me and the girls have been talking. We've noticed you've all been with us here. Consistently trying to protect us or trying to keep us happy. We've decided to give you guys a break. We're leaving for europe..." "(Y/N) that's not going to make it better. We're only going to worry more." "Well then you'll have lots of time to learn how to cope with those types of things as a team, besides its already decided anyways. We leave tomorrow morning for 2 weeks." Leo noticablt tensed as he turned away from me. "2 weeks? Can you at least tell us where you'll be?" " Nope, you'll just have Donnie keep dabs on us and watch us." He was silent for a bit. "Ok I guess I see how this can be good for us. What other conditions should there be?" He asked turning back to me, his leader instincts kicking in. "No contact or video calls." "Ok that might be taking it a step to far, I mean think about Mikey a little." I giggled thinking about how the guys would deal with 2 weeks of no contact. "Fine, two seperate video calls. One the day we arrive and another the week after. Deal?" "Deal." Leo says leaning down and hugging me. "Do the others know yet?" He whispers not yet letting go. "They should be being told as we speak actually." As if on que there was a slam of a door and Raph's girlfriend yelling something. "Well it doesn't sound like he's taking it very well." Leo says finally letting go. "Nope, but I don't imagine any of them are." "Tomorrow huh....well your not leaving my room until then so I hope you're already packed or you may not get a chance too." Without warning he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

The next morning we got up and left before the guys had gotten the chance to get up. We knew saying good bye would take too long and eventually someone wouldn't want to leave. As we boarded the plane we looked towards the city one last time before closing the blinds.

We still had 4 hours to go before we landed in Hawaii for our connecting flight by the time I woke up. I looked around at my friends sitting around me. Sandra, as we called her, Sugar, sat next to me with her head on my shoulder. I had known Sugar since 2nd grade when we used to play together. Sugar had been the first of my 3 friends that you had told about the guys. Not long after, her and mikey had started dating. Across the isle sat Devinne or Dev, also a friend from elementary school. We were inseperable through our whole lives so when Sugar and myself had bocome a little distant, she had snuck down into the sewers following us. After getting caught by Raph she had stuck around. Unfortunitly it seemed to be more for Raph than us for the first time in our lives. Beside Dev sat Lily, she had become our friend in highschool. Being the biggst nerd I had ever met made it hard for me not to love her. We had immediately clicked as friends on the first day of school. She was the last to meet the guys but its was only because of her rediculously busy university schedule. Soon after Donnie and her had started dating and she dropped out of university. This was your team. The overly supportive and far too distracting girlfriends of the turtles....on a flight to japan for 2 weeks. 18 more hours to go.

-Time Skip-

"Thank you for flying with us. We wish you a wonderful stay." The annoucment finished and we started making our way off the plane. "When can I talk to my Mikey?" Sugar groans as we make our way to the bag pick up. Rolling my eyes I sigh. "Guys please don't make this harder than it has to be. We all agreed I would hold onto our devices, excecpt for Lily's of course." I say smiling at her. "We also agreed that we'd only call them twice. Once when we get to the hotel and once next week. Now please don't mention it again until we're at the hotel." I say as I lift me bags off the conveyer belt. "No arguements there. That knucklehead can wait till next week to see this face for all I care." Dev said stomping out of the airport with her bags. "(Y/N), aren't you worried I'll contact Donnie?" "Nah, only ones im worried about are those two. Sugar can't go 30 seconds without Mikey and after the fight Dev and Raph had before we left, it's all they want to do." Lily Nodded. "Did you tell Leo the real reason we came?" "No, you know how he'd react." I pat her on the shooulder. "Let's go catch up with Dev and we'll go over the plan at the hotel."

-Time skip-

"Video call!!" Sugar yells grabbing the phone from me. "It's 12:29 here now so it should be 11:29 in New York. I'd say training time." Lily adds as she presses the call button. I hesitate slightly. This is the longest me and leo have been apart and truthfully I was scared to see how he was taking it. Caustioously I pressed to call button aswell.


After only a moment Leo's face appeared. "(Y/N)! We were all waiting for you guys to call! Well except Raph, he still seems mad." "Dev still seems pretty mad too. Must've been a bad fight." I look over a Dev on the phone with Raph. "Looks like they're over it now. Not like it ever lasts long anyways." "More like dissagreements than anything. How was the flight babe?" you giggled at his eagerness. "It was ok. Sugar slept on my shoulder the whole flight. The time change is quite to shock to the system for sure. How has everything been going there? Guys taking this well?" "No, Mikey is a complete mess. Donnie hasn't gotten off his computer and Raph has been hitting his punching ag all day." "And you" "Well I miss you. Nothings been the same. So what time is it there?" "Oh no you don't. Not telling and don't even think about having Donnie track us. Lily has him blocked. I'm sorry babe, we all need this. We'll be safe, ok. I promise." He nods and smiles. "Can't say I didn't try right. Well where ever you are, I hope you have fun. I miss you a lot (Y/N). Bed feels cold and empty without you." "Awe Leo."I giggle as I watch his blush. "eah yeah. I'll let you get back to your trip babe, if I talk to you any long I may not be able to handle you being gone foe 2 weeks." "Ok babe, I love you and I miss you too. I'll talk to you in exactly a week. Oh! And give splinter a hug for me." "Will do babydoll. Love you too. I'll be looking forward to next week. Bye." "Bye babe." Hanging up I looked over to my friends. Seeing they had all finished their own calls I began to go over our plan. "So we know why we're all here. Baxter Stockman. We know that the foot had taken him after shredder and the kranng were sent back through to black hole. Lily, you tracked them here to osaka. Theyre somewhere in tis city and we need to find them. Baxter has far too much information and knoledge for us to let his continue working with the foot. This week is recon, any questions?" I ask sitting on one of our 4 beds in the room. Sugar slowly raises her hand. "Uh yeah. Why havent we told the guys about this? Do we understand how mad they're going to be when they find out?" "I know Sugar but we have no choice, we need Baxter away from the foot for both our boyfriends and the worlds sake. I don't knnow about you but im done being the helpless girlfriend of a ninja. It's time to start playing our part." I get up and walk over to the window, looking out on the beautiful city around us. "I say shes right, time to knock back." Dev says coming to stand next to me. "I agree aswell. Only one issue though. Do we have a back up plan?" Lily asks as she also comes to stand with us. "Of course I do, I'm the girlfriend of mister fearless leader himself," I say sarcastically as Dev chuckles in response " I'd say ive learned fro the best. Now lets get some sleep, long night ahead."

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