Chapter Seven

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Billy slammed the double door behind him as he ran into the boys bathroom. No one was in there luckily, so he was alone as he fell to the ground crying. Henry was so important to him. Every fiber of his being regretted what he had said that morning. He acted out of frustration and knew he had made a mistake.

Billy's head started to ache as he cried. "Billy." He heard a woman's voice speak out to him. It was the same voice he had been hearing for the past week. "What?! What do you want from me?!" He yelled out frustrated. He had never spoken back to the voice before, but his emotions took over as he screamed out. A large blue energy blast left his body, shattering the mirrors and breaking down the stall doors of the toilets. It even shattered the toilets to pieces.

The room lingered with blue energy as other students started to stand outside the doors of the bathroom that where now out in the hallways, they had been blown off their hinges during the initial blast. The power of the school shuts down, leaving everyone in the dark except for some light coming from each ends of the halls that lead outside.

Billy looks up into the dark, not being able to see anything. A hand is now placed on his chin, lifting his face to meet the woman standing in front of him. She had dark red hair and wore a almost black crown with a red tint. Her suit seemed as one a hero or a villain would wear with tall black boots. "Billy." She says smiling to him. It was the woman who had been speaking to him all this time. "Forgive me son. I've made you wait this long to find the truth." She pulled him up now to face her. He was a little taller than her, but her boots leveled their height.

"Mom?" Billy let out the simple word as he struggled to speak through his tears. She nodded. "There's nothing for me to forgive." He said, hugging her. "There's quite a lot, I'm afraid." She said into his ear as they hugged. She was the first to pull away as she smiled to the boy. She put her forehead against his now and smiled. "It's time you remember." She whispered before a bright light filled Billy's eyes.

Memories that felt like watching through someone else's eye, appeared to Billy now. He remembered the events of his home town, Westview. The crazy red colored battle in the sky with Agatha. Agnes, he remembered, the ice cream lady. He saw vision fighting a white version of himself, and his brother. He had a brother, Tommy.

Billy remembered it all, at least from his perspective. He knew his Mom had made that world for them, he just didn't know the extents that she went to too do it. he opened his eyes again to see her looking at him, waiting for an answer of some sort.

His eyes glowed a bright blue as he muttered "I remember, I remember it all." He said, looking at his mom. This time she was different to him. He saw the woman who had been there at the beginning. She was his birth mother. And she loved him. She smiled at the boy as she saw him come to the realization.

"I'll see you again." She smiled, before vanishing into thin air as if she was never there. She wasn't truly there at all, in fact, it was only her astral projection. Billy looked around now at the destroyed bathroom as the blue energy cleared out. The power came back on and blinded the students that where outside. They all stood in confusion because to them, Billy was in that room alone. Caytlin was at the front of the group, looking shocked at the boy surrounded by the broken items. Destiny stood next to her with the same reaction. To all of their knowledge, he didn't have powers.

He was just as confused as them with the situation if not more. But he had to speak to Henry.He walked out of the bathroom and shoved past people who had been standing there. Destiny ran towards him, along side Caytlin. "Billy! Wait!" They yelled to him, but he didn't listen. he continued to walk down the halls towards the exit. Destiny grabbed his arm. "I said wait damn it! Are you out of your mind? You destroy our school the barge out without talking to me, Your sister?!" She yelled at him as his face was coved in the expression of anger.

"She's right you know! I'm your best friend and I never knew you had powers. Did you lie for attention or did something happen that you aren't telling us?" She sad, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Look, neither of you would understand, now let me go." He said, turning towards the exit again. Destiny grabbed him again to stop him, but this time he turned around in anger, blasting her away with blue energy. He looked in shock as if that wasn't his intention. He shook it off and blasted the doors open with his powers, walking out the exit and leaving Caytlin to heal his hurt sister. He felt sorry, but he needed to talk to Henry.

He checked his phone again for Henry's location, still at Sam's house. He put his phone away, then used his powers to blast into the sky. He looked as if there was a blue shooting star in the sky as he flew. People around looked into the sky as he flew by.

Down from Billy's house, Sarah looked into the sky and see's the blue spark fly through the air. She takes a deep breath then heads inside. She grabbed a glass of water from the sink and sighed as she took a sip. "Crazy, they grow up so fast." A woman said from Sarah's couch, causing her to drop her glass at the realization of who it was.

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