CHAPTER 8| Hurt,Pain and kidnapped

Start from the beginning

"What is wrong with you. I was just trying to help him." Ji asked eyes glaring at Tangsan, with said boy glaring as intensively as the former.

"Help him? Do you really think that anybody is buying this whole redemption thing of yours." Venom lacing out of every word he said as Ji looked at him enraged.

"I didn't really see him complaining about it. What's your problem anyway. Why are acting like a jealous boyfriend." Ji like the many other times spoke without thinking opting to say what he felt rather than keeping it in.

Lixue found himself blushing, I don't think of sangy in that way. He thought to himself while Wu again had that bitter feeling in her chest, again involuntary glaring at the white haired boy.

Tangsan on the other hand held his ground seeming to not be affected by the boys words but in reality he was scared on the inside. Why was he so protective of Lixue,he didn't know, and that made him all the more irritated.

"Don't try to change the subject. I just want to make it clear to you that if you so much as touch a strand of hair on his head,I won't hesitate to end you there and then." Everyone felt a shiver ran down their spines. Tangsan words held so much depth and seriousness in them that it made him seem malicious. His eyes bore holes into Ji skull emitting emotions such as pain, regret, failure and the need to protect. Ji didn't seem to get the memo of Tangsan already unstable and bad state as he again spoke without a care in the world.

"Is that a threat."

"No, it's a warning. Stay away from Lixue and me and basically the place you see as in general,then we will be fine."

Ji felt anger at that. Lixue wasn't an object,he could think for himself. Tangsan didn't have the right to do whatever the heck he was doing.

"You really think that you are helping Lixue with what you are doing. Just look at him Tangsan,he has become so dependant on you that he ran away from home just to be with you. You make him not have a mind of his own only depending on you as his world crumble when you're not there. It's not healthy and you are the major cause of it. " Ji spat out before going completely silent upon seeing the shock his little reveal had caused among the trio in front of him. They didn't know.

Tangsan froze on spot, eyes widening at the reveal. He looked back at Lixue who couldn't look him in the eye. So it was true then. He couldn't handle it anymore , with his mixed up feeling and the shock from the other day,he ran out the room.

"Sangy wait. Please let me explain." Lixue spoke running to caught up with the leaving but was held back by Ji.

"Lixue.........." His words were held in throat by the cold glare he was given by the white haired boy, that when Lixue said "Let go." He did, allowing the boy to run out.

Wu before that had mysteriously disappeared, leaving Ji alone to wallow in self pity.

"I really don't know when to shut up,do I?"


Lixue found Tangsan in the garden still walking rather aimlessly.

"Sangy please wait. Let me explain." He called out but the older boy just ignored him continuing on his way but Lixue wasn't going to stop as he held the boy by his right hand stopping any further movement .

"Sangy please listen to me." His voice pleading. Tangsan felt his heart ache at that but his confusion,fear and anger getting the better of him. He was always a level headed person but his current feelings made that very much impossible at the moment.

He was scared. Scared at what he felt, afraid that he was falling in love with...... with another boy just like him. He didn't feel right about that,his mind coming into conflict with his heart. That is the reason he did the thing that he did, which would forever haunt him for the rest of his life.

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