Nothing Like Us - Pt 2 - Nothing Can Make Me Feel Like You Do . . .

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June 26,2015 | One-shot | Nothing Like Us | Part 2 | Nothing Can Make Me Feel Like You Do . . .

•Michelle's POV•

'Why? Why did you do this to me Justin?'

Crying I brushed away the tears and tried to be strong. But the tears wouldn't stop pouring out of my eyes. Ugh, stupid eyes.

It's just that I've been crying my eyes out since the break up. The day I found Justin cheating on me.

I was so happy since it was just a month after our one year anniversary. But things went wrong and everything went down.

Ugh, I still remember that day. Just as if it was yesterday.

But I still question myself. What did I do that made him cheat. I mean I must've done something wrong in order for him to cheat, right?

'Bull crap Michelle, all boys do that.But that's the past. Let's stay in the present.'

Right, so now I'm all alone a month passed by and I'm still crying my fucking eyes out.

I'm crazy.

But what can I say. I gave him everything I had to give him. It's his loss.

I wiped away the tears when I heard my phone beep signaling a text.

'Justin' flashed on the screen. He still gives me all the fucking butterflies when I see or hear his name.

'I got it bad. . .'

I hesitantly pressed 'view' and saw the text, it read: Hey, can u come 2 my concert? I've got smthing to tell u.'

Without thinking I replied a 'yes' and instantly regretting it.

Why did I say yes? The fudge is wrong with me? Ugh. I was so frustrated on my self. But what's done is done and can't be undone.

'unless you text him something came up and you can't go.'


I rushed down the stairs of my house and opened the door. Jen and jaden stood there, looking like some lovesick birds, holding hands.

'Yup. They're together. Still going strong.'

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked.

"We came to pick you up. We're coming with you to the concert." Jen replied.

"Wait, how do you even know I'm go-" I was cutoff by jaden.

"Justin told me." he said. I nodded and let them in.

"Michelle, don't tell me your gonna go dressed like that." Jen said after coming inside the house and viewing my outfit.

"The hell. No. I-I need to change."  

Yeah, I do need to change. Sweats and a tank top, probably smeared makeup, and my messy hair. Not very acceptable.

"Well hurry your ass up then."she exclaimed slapping my butt and pushing me towards my room.

"Jen your going to make me fall!" I said.

"I'll be right back jay." Jen said to jaden as she still pushed me up the stairs.

Once we got in my room Jen headed straight to my closet.

I let just let her, and jumped into the shower.

After I was done showering I pulled a towel over my body and went out to my room.

Jen laid some cloths in my bed. How sweet. I saw what she left and instantly disliked it.

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