"That's kind of you."


There was a sudden noise that came from inside the room. Miku is rolling around in her sleep, a very cute but very dangerous moment at this time.

Nino's face showed that she heard the noise, so I quickly left the room and closed the door.

"Where are the rest of you?"

"Most of us are in the kitchen, but have you seen Miku by any chance?"

"No. Has she already gone to the library?"

"The library!?" Ichika shouted from the kitchen.

"Yea. Don't you remember? We made plans to go to the library to study."

"Must have forgotten, sorry. Shall we leave soon then?"


Cant believe that actually worked.

As we were getting ready to leave, I saw that Nino didn't move an inch from Miku's room.

"Is it safe to say that you won't be coming?"

"Yea that's right. I have something to take care of anyways."

Whether she opens Miku's door or not, I don't really care, but if Miku finds out we slept on the same bed, I doubt she will have the courage to speak to me again. Embarrassment is truly very powerful.

"Just don't say anything unnecessary." I said as my parting gift to her as I began to leave with the others.


We arrived at the library where we met up with Yotsuba, who was still looking for Miku. She said that she didn't find Miku anywhere. Miku's disappearance caused everyone to still be anxious about the situation. I rest assured everyone that Miku will be joining us shortly.

After about 10 minutes Miku arrived to the table we were sitting at. I can tell she was very nervous since she was clearly fidgeting and her eyes were looking down.

"Is everything ok, Miku?" I asked

"Y-Yea. Nino woke me up and told me you guys were at the library."

So Nino did open the door. Not surprising actually.

I thought that was that but Miku looked like she wanted to continue.

"A-Actually last night did we sl-"

"Last night? Oh, I decided to sleep in the living room because I wasn't used to your bed."

"I-Is that so? What a relieve."

A small lie wouldn't hurt anyone right?

I'm just glad Nino didn't expose the truth to Miku. She could be a pain but sometimes she actually makes rational decisions.

After spending some time at the library, we decided to head back to their apartment. Since the exams are tomorrow I concluded that I should stay overnight again. Nino spent some time complaining upon my request, but soon gave up because she was the only against it.

We studied for a long time to the point where everyone was exhausted and soon they fell asleep in the living room. Seeing them all asleep made me realize how cute their sleeping faces are. Not too long and I was the only awake.

"Might as well call it a night and hope for the best." I muttered as I began falling asleep.


I woke up an hour before the exams began. I usually never oversleep, so I was the first to wake up. Not even Nino, who didn't bother to come down to the living and just stay in her room, was awake. I stood up and quickly began thinking.

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