A Weekend Away and A Lost Bunny?

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"I don't feel sick anymore" I replied as he carried me towards the cabin,

"Good" he smiled as he put me down on the porch and I begrudgingly let go of him,

"Feeling better?" Will asked when I wrapped my arms around his waist. I nodded in confirmation "I don't know how you manage to get bed head when sleeping in a carseat" he comment as he ran his fingers through my slightly knotty hair and I shrugged, still feeling a little bit out of it "you're still tired, why don't you go and lie down on the sofa" he suggested and I did so with no complaint.

After a little more time to come round I was feeling much more awake and full of energy, whereas everyone else was not.

"Hailey watch" I exclaimed as I successfully jumped over my skipping rope without falling,

"Well done Gracie" she smiled as she took a beer bottle from Jay before he sat down with her and Will. And that's pretty much how the night was spent. I played lots of different games whilst the grown ups sat a talked for hours.

"Right missy" Will spoke causing me to look up at him from the drawing of the tree I was doing "it's way past your bedtime" he said "I think it's time you wrap that up and get ready for bed" he told me and I whined,

"I'm not tired" I complained,

"Gracie it's nearly 10pm" Jay agreed with our older brother,

"I don't wanna go to bed" I frowned,

"C'mon" Will insisted "I'll come with you and once you've got sorted you can choose a book, how does that sound?" He bargained and I sighed,

"Ok" I agreed and he gave me a wink,

"Good girl" he praised,

"Night Jay" I said as I went over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug,

"Night baby" he replied as he gave em a kiss on the head,

"Night Hailey" I said sweetly as I did the same to her,

"Night sweetie pie" she replied before Will led me inside to get ready for bed.

The next morning

"Rise and shine Graciekins" Will greeted as he walked in to my bedroom and opened the curtains for the sunlight to come streaming in,

"G'morning" I said as I stretched my hands up above my head before rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I went to the kitchen with Will and he handed me a glass of orange juice before making himself a cup of coffee "Where's Jay and Hailey?" I asked,

"They're still in bed" Will said in to his coffee cup,

"Why're they still sleeping?" I asked confused,

"Let's just leave them to have some time on there own" Will suggested, dodging the question in the process,

"You can't be on your own if there's two of you" I told him matter of factly,

"Well let's leave them to spend some time together then" he corrected himself "how about we have some breakfast and get ready, then we can go for a walk" he suggested and I nodded my head excitedly at the idea,

"Can I have the chocolate cereal?" I asked hopefully,

"If that's what you want" he agreed before setting about starting breakfast "why don't you go and get dressed whilst I sort the breakfast" he suggested "but don't go in Hailey and Jays room" he added seriously.

I ran back to my bedroom and got changed before walking back to the kitchen,

"My love, you can't go walking in that" Will sighed as he saw my pretty sun dress,

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