(1) Unexpected Change

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Cigarette Duet by Princess Chelsea

Shannon was in the midst of her summer holidays. She lived with her parents and baby brother, Lukas. Shannon was German, but only half German as her mother was British born. In September, Shannon would be going into her 7th year at the German wizarding school, 'Zoksiths, Academy Of Spells.' This school was nowhere near as grand and well known as Hogwarts or Ivormorny is. Zoksiths was a tiny school that only had between 100-200 students living in it. Well, it used to have 100-200 students living it it until today, today it would have 100-199 students as today was the day Shannon's parents would tell her they would be relocating to England in September.

She came downstairs with a couple German novels in her hands. She was going to leave them by the door so she'd remember to return them to the library the next time she or her parents left the house. Her parents greeted her at the bottom of the stairs...

"Good afternoon, Shan." Her mother said. Her mother had bright white skin with shiny brown hair. She was honestly beautiful and way out of her husbands league. "Have you finished with those books already? You only borrowed them 2 weeks ago." 

At her mothers feet was a chubby blonde haired baby named Lukus. Lukus was just under 1 years old and was teething. All Lukus did these days was cry all day and certainly all night. It drove Shannon mad sometimes. Her mother picked Lukus up and gave him a cuddle.

"Yes, they were quite good, but I don't think I'd ever want to read them again. The person who wrote these seemed to lack good character development skills..." She put the books on the little table in the entryway. "I can't wait to go back to school. Ursula will die when she finds out I've read and disliked two books by her favourite author-"

"Speaking of which. Me and your father have an important thing to tell you regarding your schooling, Shannon."

"W-why? Is it bad? Did I fail my exams last year?"

"No... Why don't you follow me into the kitchen and we can tell you there? Your father is in there finishing his lunch."

They walked into the back of the house and saw that Shannon's father had only just finished his lunch and was cleaning his plate away as the ladies walked in.

"Afternoon, ladies." He said in passing. He walked passed them, but his wife stopped him then whispered something into his ear. 

Shannon's father was quite scary looking. He was extremely tall and broad and was a very important type of Auror. His hair was shoulder length and blonde, but he always wore it in a ponytail to keep his hair out of his eyes.

Her father whispered something back to his wife then they both sat Shannon down and told her their news.

"Wait what? Why? But I like going to school here in Germany."

"Me and your father know that, but his work requires us to move to England."

"Why? You told me you never liked it in England-"

"I liked it there until I met your father and I left. England isn't that bad of a place it's just like Germany, but they speak English rather than German there. We all know English and when Lukas is old enough it will do him good being at a British school."

"But what about my best friend, Ursula? Does she know I'm leaving Germany?"

"Not yet, but you can send her an owl later and I'm sure your teachers will tell everyone where you've gone."

"But Father, this isn't fare. Why should I leave if I go to boarding school anyway? You could leave while I'm in school then come back at Christmas and Summer."

"It's easier like this, Shannon. Trust us."

"Grr! Whatever, I'm going to my room. When are we leaving?"

"On Monday." Her mother said.

"FINE!." Shannon got up and went to her room, then slammed her door shut. She got her owl out of it's cage and scribbled down a letter to her best friend in the whole world, Ursula.

Dear Ursie,

You would never believe what my parents just told me. They said that I'm not coming back to school in September and I'm going to a school in England. How can they tell me that in such short notice? I can't believe this. We'll never see each other again. What will we do without each other, Ursie?

Please write back as soon as you can. Help me think of a plan to get out of leaving on Monday.

Anyway, I miss you and hope you're well. Yours, Shan.

Shannon had a a rare type of owl from German. It was quite a weird bird. It was so weird that it techniqually wasn't a owl, it was a type of pigeon. They were called, 'Old German Owl pigeons' which made Shannon assume she'd need a new owl for school in England. She stuffed the paper into it's beak and let it go free to her best friends house. Shannon stayed in her room for the rest of the day till dinner time. That was when she asked about her bird being replaced.

"Will I get to keep Addie?"

"Who? That dumb bird?" Her father asked with a smirk.

"Yes. They are native here but surely not in England."

"I suppose we can get you a new one. I recently got a letter from a Mr Albus Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is the headmaster of your new school and he said we can go a couple days before everyone else and he'll show you around and even take us to Diagon Alley to get your new uniform and things." Her mother added.

"Hmm. Is the school good?"

"I went there and found it brilliant. There are four houses (I was in Ravenclaw) and they are called Gryffindore, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff..."

Shannon laughed. "Those names sound silly. "Hufflepuff" She repeated, "That one sounds really silly. I hope I get into that house purely because of it's name."

Her father was not assumed.

"Quite unique people get put into Hufflepuff. People in that house need a strong sense of justice, loyalty, patience, and a propensity for hard work."

"Do you think I have those things, Mother?"

"Perhaps-" Lukus started to cry.  "I'll go and feed him." She added.

As soon as dinner was complete. Shannon returned to her room and saw that Addie had returned with a letter from Ursula. Shannon grabbed the letter from it's mouth and opened it.

Dear Shannon,

I can't believe it. My mother said that there is only one school in England and it's called Hogwarts. I'll miss you so much when you leave. Please write to me even when you are in another county. Maybe during the holidays we can visit each other? Anyway, good luck and try not to worry about it.

Speak soon, your bestie, Ursula.

Shannon wrote a reply and sent Addie on it's way with it back to Ursula's house. She laid down in bed and hoped everything would be ok someday soon.

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