bowling alley blues

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Vera (the bowling alley worker who was on shift when Charls and Co went bowling, held Finny): *working a close shift* *downs in the dumps (moodwise)* *at the counter*

Charls: *is at home but in all honesty has been concerned about Vera the whole time because he believes that no one should be treated poorly at work, especially by their boss* *tapping his pen on his desk*


Tyson: *is being admitted to hospital again*

Dylan: *going with him, planning to stzy with him but doesnt know what to do with Cam, Val and Rae*

Val: we'll be alright, mum.. i can take care of us and if something happens I'll call mr. Jem right away

Dylan: a-are you sure, baby? I know you struggle with working with kids and i-i dont want to stress you...

Val: mum, dads going into hospital im already stressed... and also, im sure cam will help out, they love looking after Rae.. you go be with dad, we'll be fine, promise

Dylan: well... alright *gives all his kids lots of kisses before getting into the car and driving off with Tyson*


Val: *turns out, is really bad at taking care of kids* *trying his best but is going to bed every night sobbing and is falling asleep at random times because Rae keeps waking him up at night* *has had to take off his bracelet because Rae has nearly snapped it a few times*

Cam:.*knows their brother is stressed and is trying to help out as much as possible*

Val: *trying to make dinner for.the 3 of them but us crying* *really could use somd help buf also doesnt want to admit defeat*

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