The Warehouse

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Chapter 6: The Warehouse

Cole stared at the demon who had called out his name. "Zankou. Yes, it's me. It's been way too long?"

He looked at Cole and smiled,"It has. Now may I ask you what are you doing up here? You are not here to save your witch. Are you?"

Cole took a deep breath and responded,"No, of course not. She hates me. It's over between her and me."

Zankou shut his hands and the fireball went out. "I did not wish to have to kill you, but I will not allow anyone to ruin my plans. That includes you, Belthazar."

"You don't have to worry about that. What are your plans exactly?"

Zankou had a smirk on his face,"Do you mistake me for a fool? I am not going to tell you one word, due to the very simple fact that I believe you are lying to me."

"Would I be here taking a chance on you killing me if I were lying?"

"You do have a small point there, but why are you here, so close to where your witch and her sister are imprisoned?"

Cole shrugged. "Phoebe blinded me for so long, I wanted to prove my worth to the Underworld by killing the witch that I once loved. To finish what I started long ago."

Zankou stared at Cole for a few minutes and quickly came up with a plan to prove if he was lying or not. "Very well. If that is why you are truely here, then you will enjoy watching my taking her out of that room, so that I may have the pleasure of watching you killing the witch who made a lapdog out of the great Belthazar."

"Of course I wouldn't mind in the least," Cole replied, "Because you are right. For that reason, if for no other, she deserves to die. Having an audience always helps fire my blood for the kill."

Zankou nodded and walked over to the door that separated them from where Phoebe and Paige were. He clapped his hands and a moment later he threw Phoebe at Cole's feet.

Cole stared into her brown eyes and saw pain and fear in them. But ignoring that look, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled out a knife and held it to her thoat.

"Cole? What are you doing?" Phoebe screamed at him, terrified. "Why are you doing this to us? I thought you loved me."

"You're wrong," Cole told her. "There is no us. You told me that a couple days ago. You only called me because you wanted me to help save your sister. Well guess what. I'm tired of being used. I'm tired of just being Phoebe's little lapdog. I won't take it anymore. I've watched you spread your legs for every man who walks by. Now you never will do that again."

"What's taking you so long to kill her, Belthazar?"Zankou demanded impatiently.

Cole looked away from Phoebe's beautiful eyes that had once set his heart on fire to look at the demon whose eyes were as evil and as black as coal, as black as Cole's heart and soul were without Phoebe's love, the love she had taken away from him. "I just wanted her to suffer," he replied. "To know how much she hurt me, the reason why I'm going to enjoy this. And I'm going to make her look at me one last stare in my eyes as I slit her pretty little throat before I rip out her lying tongue," and he felt Phoebe stiffen up against him as she screamed in horror and terror.

Zankou grinned and waited for Cole to finish the torturing. Cole looked back at Phoebe, glaring at her as she shivered and grew paler. Even as he grabbed her hair and used it to expose her throat, Phoebe nearly passed out when she heard Cole whisper in her ear. "I promise I will keep you and your sisters safe. Also, before we get out of here. I want to tell you that I still love you."

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