run away, run away (run away with me)

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"Hey, hey." From where he's busy typing on his phone - rude, Noah thinks - Hyeok makes a humming noise at the back of his throat, the extent of the attention he's willing to give Noah. "Hey." 

A side look, then his eyes go back to his phone. Noah, admittedly, is tempted to snatch his phone and toss it outside the window of the bus they're on. "Yes...?" 

Noah huffs. "You do know it's rude to be on your phone when you're with someone, right?" She grouses, crossing her arms and brazenly pushing at Hyeok's knee with her foot. "Either put that phone down or I'm getting off this bus." 

Finally, Hyeok looks up from his phone, brow cocked in what's probably amusement. "Do you know how to get back?" He asks, and Noah huffs. Again. 

"I'll find a way." 

From his expression - or lack of it, really - Hyeok is most likely laughing at her in his head. "Ah, such a moody princess-" Noah kicks him a little harder for the princess comment. "-needing attention all the time. Give me a moment." 

He goes back to his phone, typing faster, before he finally puts it away, giving Noah a Look™. 

"Alright, you have me." He says, and Noah makes a face at that. "What does the princess want?" 

Noah doesn't even hesitate. "Race me again." She declares, pushing absently at Hyeok's knee when he neither stopped her or pushed her foot off. "That last one was inconclusive." 

Noah, of course, doesn't bring up the fact that she lost only because her stupid leg cramped at the worst possible moment. That and the way Hyeok didn't continue the race to instead- 

To instead help her out and staying with her. Going as far as to buy her a drink to hydrate with. 

Hyeok makes an agreeing noise. "Hm, true enough, but not soon." He says, and Noah makes a noise of dismay. At her reaction, Hyeok smirks, a blink-and-you'll-miss-it event. "I do have other responsibilities aside from biking, you know."

Noah huffs, slumps further down her bus seat as she pouts. "What's so fun about school anyways?" She grumbles. "I mean, yeah, sure, you get to work with cute animals but. It's still school?" 

Hyeok blinks at her. "... I'm assuming you never went to college? Or even considered going?" He asks, and Noah nods. "Ah. Well, it's not easy, true but..." 

Hyeok trails off, eyes glazing over, and Noah waits him out for a moment. Owen does the same thing, especially if he's thinking deeply of something. So Noah waits Hyeok out, wiggling her foot from side to side on top of Hyeok's knee- 

"We're close, so we should hop off now," Hyeok says all of the sudden, putting Noah's foot down and standing up, making Noah herself scramble after him in reflex. "We'll have to walk the rest of the way, since it's a little hard to get to." 

"Hey, you didn't answer me!" Noah barks, trotting after Hyeok as they leave the bus. Instead of answering her, Hyeok just tugs her along the sidewalk, looking this way and that for some reason. "Tsk, this fucking guy-" 

Hyeok sighs. "Later, later, we'll talk later, alright?" He mutters, and Noah is almost tempted to be more of a bitch than she already is just to piss the guy off. "We have to be quick now." 

Noah picks up her pace, twisting her wrist out of Hyeok's hold and rubbing at it absently. "Why?" She asks. "With the way you're acting, it's like we're going somewhere we're not supposed to be." 

Hyeok stays quiet. A little too quiet, really. 

Noah gapes at him. "No fucking way." Maybe Samuel did have a point in worrying about her hanging out with these Sabbath Crew guys...? 

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