Who is the demon?

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Chapter 2: Who is the demon!!!

Phoebe looked at Cole in shock. "Are you kidding me? Piper is in the underworld with a demon? We have to get her out of there!"

Cole nodded. "I came up here to see if it was true, and I can see that it is. I'll go back down and see if I can find the demon who took her."

Phobe nodded."Okay, but I'm coming with you."

"Phoebe, it's too dangerous!" Paige protested. "Maybe that is the demon's plan. Trap us all by attempting to save Piper. You should let Cole find out who the demon is and where she is."

Phoebe shook her head."I can't sit around wondering if Piper and Cole are okay. I might be upset with him, but I have to go. I'll make some potions before I go,"and she went over and hugged Paige before heading to the kitchen to make potions.

Paige glared at the half-demon she could never quite trust "Take care of my sister."

Cole nodded, promising solemnly, "I'll give my own life before anyone does her any harm."


Once Phoebe was done making the potions, Cole shimmered to the Underworld with her.

Meanwhile, Paige was pacing back and forth, wondering what to do. After a few minutes, she had an idea. Maybe I could use the "Finding a lost witch" spell. Maybe if I change the words just a bit, I could summon Piper back to the manor.

Running over to The Book of Shadows, Paige was surprised when the pages began flipping on their own, landing on the spell she wanted. She smiled up and thanked whichever one of their family also wanted to find Piper.

Then she stood in front of The Book started chanting the spell. No sooner did she chant the last word than smoke began swirling and what looked like a tornado appeared in the middle of the room.

When the smoke dissolved, there laid Piper, curled on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, it worked!" Paige exclaimed happily. 'Leo, Leo. Get down here!"

No sooner did he orb in that Leo anxiously asked, "What is it, Paige? Is everything okay?"

Paige pointed down to Piper"I got her back, Leo. I got her back,"as relief flooded her mind and body


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