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"That will be $5.58", Elizabeth said before grabbing the 20 dollar bill from the customer's hand.

Although she hated working full time for her parent's store, it was the only way she could earn enough money so she could go out with her friends. It was also the only place in her town that would hire her since she never went to college. She had planned on going but it didn't fit into her very "busy" schedule.

"Elizabeth, can you come help me in the back", her mom called her from the entrance of the checkout lane she was working at. As she rang up that last person, she quickly went to see what her mom needed.

"What can I help you with mom", Elizabeth asked, as she walked closer to her mom.

"Oh honey, I need you to help this young fellow with a list of items that he needs", As Elizabeth mom said that a tall man walked closer to her.

"Hello, My name is Namjoon Kim", He said as he extended his hand out.

"Hello, Sir", Elizabeth said as she took his hand into her's.

He smiled, and handed her the list of items he needed. She quickly looked around to try to find her mom but she was nowhere in sight.

"This is quite a list sir, do you have the exact amount of each item you need?", she asked as she rummaged in her pockets for a pen.

"Oh, around 200 for each item on the list", He said as he took out another piece of paper from his jean's pocket.

"This is another list for items I will be needing as well." He handed her the list, "But we will need this list to be its own payment, and please make sure everything is the exact amount or we will be having some issues"

Elizabeth quickly nodded and turned to head inside to get everything ready, and get the man the exact amount each list will be. As she was about to enter back inside the store the man called out for her again.

"Ma'am you didn't tell me your name", he said as he gave her a quick smile.

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth Sia (pronounced as sigh)" She said as she closed the door behind her. She quickly went to her mom's office and calculated everything that was needed. As she was punching in the prices of the second list, her mom walked into the office.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing here", her mom said as she took a seat beside her.

"Just calculating that man's prices for his lists", she said as she finished the second list price for the items. She got up from her seat and headed out to the back of the store where the man was.

As she stepped outside she was expecting Mr.Kim to be standing there alone like before but two other men were standing with him. As she walked closer to the men, they looked back at her. She felt uncomfortable being around 3 men by herself.

"Excuse me Mr.Kim, here are the prices for each list". She said as she handed him a sheet of paper with each item listed and how much it would cost and the total for everything.

"You did a good job", one of the men standing with Mr.Kim said. "You should come work for us instead of here."

She looked at Mr.Kim and was waiting for him to say something. "Thank you for this, here is my card. Please contact me when you have everything ready." He said as he handed her his card and headed to his car.

As she was about to walk back inside, she looked back at the three men getting inside the car. She looked at Mr.Kim getting in the driver seat and noticed another man in the passenger seat that wasn't one of the two men.

The man was wearing all back and was wearing a mask which prevented you from getting a good look at his face. Elizabeth stared at the man, curious on how that man would look without the mask. Due to her looking for a good amount of time the man was making eye contact with her. For some reason Elizabeth couldn't look away, the way the man was staring at her made her feel strange a way she never felt before with making eye contact with any other person.

The car soon drove away with the four men inside. Elizabeth quickly went inside and told her mother to get everything on the list ready and to call when it was complete. She went back to work and before she knew it, it was time to go home.

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