* Then, it was a simple crush. *

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Licorice's POV

"Well, come in I guess" I said as I walked over to my bed, grabbing my journal and slid it under as Dark Choco sat next to me. "So.....I'm sorry about the day before. Do you hate me for it? I understand if you do, I mean we've always had tension." He said to me. "It's FINE. Now will you leave? I don't want to talk to a low-life like you for much longer." I replied. He looked at me and said "Actually, I was going to ask if I could sleep with you tonight." "If you could what now?" I replied. "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT- I MEAN LIKE IN YOUR ROOM-" He said to me. Why would he want to sleep in here? His room is much bigger...I just kind of blushed and looked down. I groaned a bit before saying "Fine. You can sleep in here. It is midnight anyways, so just shut up, lay down, and go to sleep." We both layed down beside eachother. It stayed like this until we both drifted to sleep.


Sorry this one was so short! Anyways so, ok funny thing, I have exactly how licorice acts and his relation with most people completely down but I can't manage to slip canon licorice into the book??? Huh????

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