I Can Braid It If You Like

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She was used to a few strands at a time but, they're where strands in her hair that were pure white and too much for her to cut off.

" I- Cant," she says as she looks for words to say and most importantly those scissors.

"What are you doing," Natasha asked in a demanding tone as she grabbed scissors and begin cutting hair from the roots. Snatching the scissors from her she looked at her worried, "what is going on"

"My hair changes color and I want it to stop"

"Why what's wrong with it, my hair is red"

"But that's normal, I'm not normal, this is not normal," she says picking up a strand of white hair.

"You think that I'm normal, we live in a tower of superheroes, we fight battles that the government can't even win. I was raised in a place where we were trained to kill or be killed. So this is about the most normal thing I have seen happen in this tower." she says standing behind her and looking at their reflection in the mirror.

"I can braid your hair if you like, but no more cutting your hair out okay," she told her, y/n nodded her hair as Natasha begin braiding her hair, carefully mixing the two colors to form a dutch braid.

When she finished Natasha looked in the mirror and signed 'beautiful' to her in the mirror.

Putting on her converse, they both left the room walking down the stairs to the common room.

"Hey I made you pancakes, he says while placing the plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs on the island. Rushing over to the plate y/n begins eating.

"Good morning y/n your bag is on the kitchen table" Tony says as he pours himself another cup of coffee. After eating a few plates of pancakes she smiles at Clint.

Oh, Loki I have a surprise for you in the kitchen she says in the mind link. Not even 5 seconds later Loki teleports himself in the chair beside her still in his pj's.

"I was summoned," he says looking at her, sliding her plate to him he looks at her.
"For me," he says in a playful tone.

Tenchlly they were mine but I have to go to school so now they are yours.

"Why couldn't you have just said yes"

Because she says getting off the chair, Loki turns around waiting for her to finish


Nope, that was it she says as she grabs her bag off the table and throws it on her back. Taking her phone out of her pocket she looks at the time.

"I'm going to be late where is steve" just like magic steve walks in with a leather jacket on and a baseball cap. "Sorry that I'm late," he says as they leave

"Bye loves you y/n," they all say in unison, while walking out y/n holds the sign up for love in the air.


"Okay get on," he says handing her a helmet "you own a motorcycle, I take back everything I said about you being an old man" turning off her hearing aids putting on the helmet she gets on behind steve.

"Wait what did you say about me," he asks, wrapping her hands around his toro under his jacket she taps his stomach telling him to drive. Steve let the clutch lever out and pulling back on the throttle they headed off.

y/n enjoyed motorcycle rides, her last one was with her soldier, she did miss him. Shaking the thought out of her head she lifted her head and felt the air and watched as the sun begin to rise to its peak.

The Deaf MutantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon