Welcome to the Stardust

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Turns out the alley wasn't really an alley. They walked through the door that seemed to cut through the air and entered a... Garage?

There were different devices and tools all over the place and a few beat up vehicles. The centerpiece was the hunched over guy that they followed in there.

"So, wanna tell us who you are or where we are?"

"Name's Scott and you're inside the most secure place in all of Prime Empire." He replied sitting down on a chair and spinning to face them. "You guys are the four players who've been fighting Unagami and causing all the trouble with the visors right? what was all that you were yelling about outside?"

"We've been looking for our friend, he was the first person to get sucked into this game." Nya said stiffly holding out the hilt of her digisword as if it would still work. Knowing Nya she'd probably make it work, honestly he didn't have a doubt in his mind that Nya would shove the broken weapon down someone's throat.

"Yeah no, that's impossible." He simply replied.

"How so?"

"Because I was the first person to be sucked into this game, thirty or something years ago so unless I'm your "missing friend" your story isn't quite lined up."

"Well then who was the second?" Lloyd asked.

"I dunno after the update we had at least ten people coming in at a time."

"Wait- update? What update?"

"The game was updated a few days ago out of the blue, real weird, and then the people started coming in. Not the point, I heard you guys talking about the race?"

"Yeah the speedway five-billion we need the second keytana to find our friend but there's no way we can enter much less win. We need that keytana but the race is the only way to get it" Cole said tiredly.

"No it's not."

"Sorry what?"

"The race isn't the only way for you to get a second keytana. That's part of the update, a new boss got added, a secret alternate in case someone couldn't enter the speedway."

"Really?! Could you show us where it is?"

"I could, but what's in it for me?"

"If we beat Unagami you'll be free"

"Yeah right, I'm not putting my neck out just to take your word for it and hope you win." He said with a scoff and turned back to his work table.

Nya slammed a hand down on the table next to him.

"Show us, or the red visors find out about your base."

Scott seemed to consider her for a moment before mumbling under his breath.

"This is what I get for helping people, Alright everybody follow me." He said standing up and walking over to a crate.

He quickly shoved the box aside to reveal a small door. "This is a shortcut to the new part it got added in when the game updated." He explained hitting a button making the door light up and open revealing a tunnel.

Each of them carefully trudged behind down the dimly lit blue tunnel.

They went further and further and then his ears picked something up. Humming came from down the tunnel growing louder the further they went. Soon enough there was brighter light breaking through and suddenly the tunnel was being filled with the sound of muffled music.

"This is as far as I go, I don't want it to see me" Scott said crypticaly before closing off the tunnel leaving them. He didn't have time to process that before he was awestruck by the room he now stood in.

Pink, blue, and yellow lights lit up the space that was full of couches and people. Everything was neon and pastel colored like a roller skate place that hadn't been updated since the 80s. Poles came down from the ceiling connecting to realistic looking clouds. The main centerpiece though was a large stage that tons of people were gathering in front of as the music built.

"What is this place?" He asked

"Pfft you seriously dude? Never been to a club before?" Kai smirked.

"Oh yeah because you totally have." Nya back handedly commented.

"Wha- I have! I so have! I've got a life!"

"Yeah? why don't you show us sometime"

Kai just grumbled and blushed angrily turning away while Lloyd snickered and gave Nya a high five.

"So it's like a rave? How is this supposed to help us get the key-" his voiced was drowned out quickly as the crowd in front of the stage began cheering loudly and the music grew.

It was a song that he recognized almost instantly. The humming that sounded almost like a saxophone mixed with the clapping that the crowd immediately took to following after, the cowbells that joined in.

Then the curtains flew open and a figure stepped into the stage.

He looked like he was glowing compared to everyone else with white hair and skin that reminded him of Scott's. He wore and open chested suit that was a glimmering blue studded with yellow.

"Ooooooo, Take a look around the room" he started to sing.

"Love comes wearing disguises, how to go about and choose, break it down by shaped and sizes, I'm a man who's got veeery specific taste"

The music swelled


"JUST! MY! TYPE!" the people in the crowd chanted along to the song as it continued.

The guy on stage danced and sang to the music and they all watched in awe as he jumped up and hopped and swung across the clouds that hung from the ceiling. As he stepped on each one it lit up with rumbling as if it were a real storm cloud illuminated by lightning.

As the song continued he got closer until he reached a cloud close to them and draped himself across it and upsidedown glowing yellow eyes met his own green ones and recognition flashed in his mind.

"Ooh I think it's time that we get leaving!" He sang pulling himself up and jumping back over to the stage just as the song droned out and the curtain closed.

They all stood there dumbfounded for a while before a voice startled them out of it.

"Hey newbies!" A cheery familiar voice said.

They all stared at him dumbstruck.

"Jay?" Nya asked staring at the blue ninja who stood before them with a wide smile.

"Yep that's me! Superstar Rockin' Jay!"

Something wasn't right here... This was wrong something about Jay was off.

"Hello new patrons! Welcome to The Stardust!"

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