7: Contain the Rot

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P.S.: I will be lengthening my chapters, aiming for maybe a few thousand words. I hope you are enjoying my story!

Between weightlessness and gravity, that's what this place was. Even if he could still float away with this increase in gravity, the lump that Pal had come to know as 'Martyr' was weighing him down. He was pinned to the rough, metal floor. It felt like it was covered in some sort of scraggly growth that was uneven and quite uncomfortable. Around them, the first plant that he had ever seen (well, aside from the lichen he was laying on which barely looked alive) grew in geometric angles. Their dark stems flattened into bioluminescent tips that glowed a bright and healthy green. 

His wonder at this peculiar plant was interrupted by the stinging burns that he felt all over his body, especially his poor tail.

He was getting tired of it already.

He looked up at the slugcat in the room. Golden eyes gazed inches away from his own, and they curved up a little against his cheeks as he gave the biggest smile he could manage with his little slugcat mouth. "Hey there. Being dead meat again I see?"

Pal felt insulted, elated, and confused all at the same time. "I think I'm... seared meat now... ow..."

"Oh, ah, excuse me-" Martyr was quick to pull away from him. His smile was gone in an instant as he scanned Pal anxiously. "You got some bad burns from that shockbox. I don't think the explosion helped either."

Pal brought a hand to his pounding skull, only to withdraw it at the sting of raw burns. His skin looked like he got the worst suntan ever. He let his arm fall back to his side but slightly spread out to avoid skin contact. "S-stars. Explosion?" 

"Stars? Who taught you to exclaim that?" Martyr questioned, only for his expression to sour a little. "Actually, never mind."

"What?" Pal asked through his quietly pained hissing.

Martyr grimaced at his condition but allowed him to simply lie there as Martyr explained. "The stars. It's not like anyone ever sees them, so nobody really talks about them. There are too many clouds to see anything in the sky." Martyr motioned with a jerk of his shoulder somewhere above them. "Lucky for you, we are pretty high up. When we get out of this compact garbage block, we'll be above them."

There was a crackle in the air and white noise came from the far corner of the room they were in. It was a very empty room, with only the slugcat pair and a wired machine protruding out of the wall to fill it, so the voice that came from the speaker bounced off the walls as Confidence's voice rang out.

"You are making a mistake, my child."

A growl escaped Pal as anger made him tense. "Don't call me that," he rasped.

"You are not trained, nor are you tested. There are a number of things that could go wrong."

"I feel great. I have soooo much energy right now, I could run across the world without any problems!"

"...Good luck with that."

Pal flinched as he accidentally tightened his hands into fists, the friction making his palms go red. He had to relax.

Confidence continued. "Anyway, you were made for a purpose, and the fulfillment of that purpose is on a relatively tighter schedule than your future living plans allow. Whether your early dismissal from my facility will add time to that schedule depends on how fast you can learn in an uncontrolled environment. 

"Who says he's going to do that for you?" It was Martyr who spoke this time, his voice was stone.

"My child..." the voice said with a weak imitation of pity, but the undertones of that voice gave a different impression, "My poor, poor child. Don't you know what makes this world go around?"

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