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The boy stood on top of the bridge, his blonde hair flying in the wind. In front of him was a 30 metre drop, straight into the dark murky depths of the river. It was a windy day, the gale creating large waves below. A fall from this height would be fatal.

The boy remembered the events that led him to standing at this edge.

He thought back to 3 weeks ago, upon the rejection from his best friend. He expected it, but it didn't hurt any less. At least he tried, at least he wouldn't die a coward.

He thought back to the night of Jackson's party, when he got a little bit too drunk. When he was excited to talk to Seok Dae, one of the most popular boys in school. When he was taken into a room, completely drunk and out of his senses, and touched in places no-one had ever touched him before. He'd never been intimate with anyone before, but he knew know that he didn't like the feel of hands crawling against his skin.

He remembered working up the courage to ask his once best friend for help - he was slipping, fast. He needed someone to listen to him, to tell him it wasn't his fault. Of course, he didn't get that.

Really though, he didnt blame Hyunjin. They weren't friends anymore. Over a decade of friendship ruined by a thoughtless love confession. He had no right to ask for help after almost ruining his friends relationship.

So he stood there, frozen in silence, the wind whistling in his ears.
Until finally, Felix took a step forward, then another, and jumped.

And that was the end.

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