Chapter 1: Our Ministers

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Agatha's POV

Today's Sunday... Today's my first-day attending Choir rehearsals. I CAN NOT WAIT! I always wanted to be part of the choir not solely because my mother and grandmother were in it, but because when I was in the children's choir, I always felt that I was destined to be a choir member for my whole life. 

Choir rehearsals start at 1:30 PM but for some reason, I went early and even heard the head minister read his last verse for the 11:00 PM mass. It's probably because I'm nervous about talking to the choir leader to ask if I can have copies of the hymns that they'll be going over today.

After the 11:00 PM mass, I sat at one of the chairs in the lobby of the chapel and started going through my phone, specifically TikTok. The first video that pops up on my for you page was some guy who was talking about how he can't sleep and started moaning. Two things wrong with this.  Number 1, I shouldn't be opening my phone and scrolling through random and nonsense but entertaining videos on TikTok, and Number 2, I should've checked if AirPods was connected on my phone. 

When I realized that my Airpods were not connected to my phone, I quickly pressed my volume down on the side of my phone and looked around. Everyone was practically looking at me. But I just smiled shyly and mouthed "I'm sorry" to them.

I looked to my left and caught the eyes of one of the guys who were wearing a white button-down and black slacks. I could tell that he heard the video that I was watching because he looks like he was about to bust out laughing. I glared at him, hoping that he gets the hint that it was not funny. I think he did because he looked back that the guy next to him, who was wearing the exact same thing that he was wearing, pointed at the paper in front of them.

After that embarrassing moment, I went into the main sanctuary and sat down on one of the pews. I started to pray, apologizing for opening my phone, opening TikTok, and watching videos in the chapel. I guess that's what I get for breaking the rules... Be humiliated. I deserve it though. I made a mental note to delete my TikTok since I never really used it that much, I only use it when I'm bored. Of course, one of the rare times that I use it, it would show someone moaning.

After praying, I checked the time on my phone and it says that it was 1:00 PM. I looked behind me and saw that choir members are starting to go into the main sanctuary. I stood up and walked to the back and sat at one of the pews there making sure that I don't steal one of the choir members' seats, I'm not official YET to have a special seat to be assigned for me. 

While seating, I looked through the faces of the choir members trying to find that old lady that I talked to yesterday about my interest in joining the choir. It was hard to figure out her face yesterday because she was wearing a mask. I checked my phone again and it says that it was 1:10 PM. "Okay, the rehearsal is starting soon, you need to ask one of the choir members about her, or else you wouldn't be doing anything here without hymns," I said to myself quietly. 

I approach the lady in front of me, she's very skinny, short, and looks kinda mean. 

"Hi! I'm really sorry for bothering you, if it's okay, can you please direct me to the choir leader?" I say to her with a cheerful voice. Trying to make a really good impression on me. 

She looks at me up and down and says "She's over there, at the first row" she points at a lady wearing a flowy hot pink blouse and a black long skirt. 

I nod and said "thank you" to her before walking toward the lady. While walking, I quickly think of a greeting or a way to introduce myself since I didn't get her first name so it would be weird if I go up to her and just say "Hi pink lady!" you know?

"Hi Ms, I approached you yesterday about my interest in joining the choir and you told me to meet you first before the rehearsal?" Well, that went better than I thought it would. She looked at me, with her eyes wide open, as if shocked to see me.

"Ah! Yes, I didn't know that you were actually going to come today" she said while rummaging inside her folder filled with sheet music of hymns for services. 

"My name is Sister Rose by the way" finally! now I know. "I'm sorry but I didn't get your name, yesterday Sister..." she says looking up at me waiting for me to continue her sentence. 

"Angel, Sister Angel." I finished her sentence, taking my hand out to offer a handshake. She takes it and smiled at me. I gave her a smile back.

She gives me the hymns and told me to sit at the back since I haven't done my audition to the directress yet. Apparently, she's the one who allows ordinary members to join in the choir practices. I gave her a nod and a tight smile and started walking back to my seat. 

After finding my seat, I quickly sat down and started looking through the hymns that Sister Rose gave me. 

I heard someone sitting down behind me and a zipper opening. I looked up slightly and saw one of the guys who was wearing a white button-down and black slacks. He looks at me and smiled. He's not the one who almost laughed at me out loud. He was one of the guys with him, I'm guessing because I initially didn't see him with Mr. Laughy pants out there. It's kinda weird that they are wearing the same outfit though. He looks angelic, with a sharp jaw, plump lips and bushy but tamed eyebrows, and dark brown eyes.

I smiled back at him and I went back to arranging my hymns by order. He continues to unzip his bag taking out something, I'm guessing a laptop because I heard typing after. I guess hymn singing in the background while doing work is a nice thing to listen to. I made a mental note to not sing as loud so that he wouldn't hear my voice, I don't think that he would care though .

After the rehearsal, I look behind me again and he was gone. "I guess he finished early," I said to myself. I look back in front of me and started listening to the announcements that Sister Rose was telling the choir members. 

"We will be introducing a couple of people to you all today, they are a very important addition to this congregation." I look to the left and saw four men walking in the sanctuary, dressed up in white button-ups and black slacks. I look closer, almost squinting my eyes because of how far I am from the front. 


It's Mr. Laughy pants and the guy who smiled at me...

"They are our new ministers"

The Four Ministers and MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt