"Bitch! You deserve what I'm about to do to you!" He snarls as he straightens himself before kicking my legs out from underneath me.

He delivers blow after blow ruthlessly to my face and torso. I thrash underneath him as pained cries escape me. I buck my hips and punch the side of his head hard before shoving him off me with all my strength. He instantly bounces back and grabs me by the throat before slamming me back down onto the ground again.

I grunt as he strangles me and wrap my own hands around his throat to do the same. Black dots appear in my vision at one point before I decide to stab my fingers into his eyes and punch his throat right after. He yells furiously as he staggers back and I take the chance to sprint out of his office.

"Get her! Bring her to me now!" He roars and it only pushes me to run faster as I hear the guards chase me.

I race through the hallways with my heart pounding furiously. I almost lose them a few times but they manage to get back on my tail. Fooling them once more I throw open the doors to the rooftop but before I can get away I feel a searing pain in the back of my thigh. A bloodcurdling scream escapes me as I drop to the floor. I glance behind to see my dad marching over to me with the gun he used to shoot me with.

Then I see Cameron round the corner with several men behind him. His eyes widen when they roam over me before filling with concern. I groan in pain as I heave myself up against the wall using the door. Dad gets to me first and yanks me up by my hair. I feel myself resign to the fact that I'm not going to make it out of this alive. Tears stream down my cheeks as I look up at Cameron in defeat.

"Mar?! Dad! Let her go!" Cameron yells angrily as he tries to pull me away.

Dad shoves him back and points the gun to his head which makes me gasp. "Don't test me right now Cameron."

"What the fuck are you doing?! Let her go right now!" He roars as he bats the gun away from his face before tugging on my arms to pull me closer.

"Take care of him." Dad orders his men gruffly who don't waste a second in restraining Cam.

"No! Marcie!" He yells as he almost breaks free of their grip.

"Cameron! Stop, I'm fine!" I shout worriedly when more guards jump in to prevent him from getting to me. They become more violent and knock him out cold with the back of a gun. I gasp before turning to my dad. "Please stop them! I won't run just please don't hurt him!"

"Shut the fuck up!" He sneers as he drags me downstairs and into the basement.

Rodrigo's eyes widen in confusion and fear when he sees us before dad roars at everyone to get out and to lock the door. He hesitates and I shake my head quickly with a warning look in my eyes. I mouth Cameron to him and he nods back, understanding that I want him to check up on my brother. I watch him leave with teary eyes before they meet my father's enraged gaze once more.

"Now...I'm going to teach you a lesson Marcella." He chuckles darkly as he drags me to the chair. "You're going to regret crossing me after I'm done with you."

In that moment I truly accept death. I know there's no way for me to escape now. Judah's face flashes in my mind followed by my sweet memories of him. I think of Cameron and growing up alongside my protective older brother. I think of Elenora and Rodrigo, my only true friends here. Hot tears race down my cheeks endlessly and I find myself wishing for a different life for the nth time.

Seconds later my first scream of pain echoes in the basement when he slices my arm open.

And so, it begins.

The murder of Marcella Quintana.


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