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The next morning you woke up to Sonic standing over you. "Rise and Shine sleepy head!" He said. "Sonic? Is there something that you need?" You asked. "Yes, I need you to get up. We need to beat up Eggman again, and you're coming with us." He tried to pull you up and off the ground, but failed. "What if I don't want to." You groaned. "If you get up then I'll get you a donut and some hot chocolate!" He said.

You immediately got up. You loved hot chocolate and donuts!

You then noticed that the sun wasn't out. It was probably about 4:30 in the morning right now. You wondered why you would have to get up this early. "So who's this Eggman guy?" You asked. "You'll find out later." He said.

You then walked downstairs only to see Tails and Knuckles, sound asleep. You wondered if Sonic already told them about needing to fight Eggman. "Oh my fucking god-" Sonic mumbled. "TAILS, KNUCKLES! WAKE YOUR ASSES UP!" He yelled. Tails immediately woke up but Knuckles was still asleep. You poked Knuckles, trying to get him to wake up.

"I'm pretty sure Sonic hasn't told you this but, Knuckles is an extremely heavy sleeper." Tails said. "So it's best to just let him sleep for now". Sonic sighed, "Well fine, guess the three of us are just gonna have to beat Eggman ourselves." "Wait what-" Tails said in confusion.

Sonic then dragged both you and Tails outside. The cold breeze against your fur made you shiver. "I don't think that Eggman's going to be causing trouble this early-" Tails remarked. "He's done so much crazy shit at this point so why WOULDN'T he be up this morning? Plus I heard him planning something, I swear." Sonic said. Tails sighed, possibly in annoyance.

Sonic dragged you two to the beach shore, and there was no one there. Tails had a i-told-you-so-bitch look on his face. Sonic was confused, "What the- I thought he was here-". You wanted to say something but you didn't know what to say. The three of you then went back to the hut.

You went back upstairs and were about to go to sleep until Sonic asked you something. "So, what was it like on Joldover Islet?" He asked. "It was quite nice there, I had 2 friends there, we would sit by the beach and watch the sunset." You answered. "I see." He said. "Hopefully you can be just as happy here. I'll make sure of it" He smiled. You smiled back and slightly blushed.

You then went downstairs to see if there was anything to eat in the fridge. There was a bag that had "For Sonic only" written on it. Now, you wouldn't eat anything that's not yours, but the other things in the fridge were jelly, milk, and cheese. You opened the bag, and then someone tapped you on your shoulder.

"You know, if you were hungry then we could get some donuts together-" He said. Your face lit up, "I would love some donuts!". "Well, you wanna go now or something?" He asked. You frantically nodded your head.


Sonic opened the door for you, and you walked inside the hut yet again. "These are delicious!" you said. You took another bite of your donut. It was a jelly-filled donut. Sonic drank his hot chocolate but ended up spitting it out, "SHOOT!".

"What happened?" You asked. "I just burned my tongue, that's all." He said. "Oh-" You let out. You then sat in silence for a few minutes. "Thanks for buying me this, Sonic." You smiled.

"No problem [name]" He smiled back. He had a smile that could light up the whole night sky. You blushed at seeing his handsome smile.


While writing this I got a craving for donuts, and hot chocolate lol


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