Chapter 2 - Dinner

Start from the beginning

It was very clear what she wanted.

And it would have been clear to you too after dinner.


You had never found yourself in a situation more awkward than the one you were currently living and it felt absolutely annoying.

«Hi» you told him, once you had entered the living room.

The smell of hot pizza had taken over the whole place.

«Hey there, y/n» he casually said, as if you hadn't been hearing him whimper for a whole straight hour.

He didn't seem ashamed at all.

On the other hand, Mikasa was acting the exact opposite way of her boyfriend, shyly and quietly watching the two of you exchange greetings.

It was unlike her, but you knew it was just another part of her plan. It all was a facade that sooner or later would have crumbled just in front of your eyes. She was patiently waiting.

«Looking good» he then jokingly went on saying.

«Yeah, yeah. Wish I could say the same for you...»

«Rude as always, I see.»

«Maybe to you, Jean. See where's the problem?» you smirked, while slowly approaching Mikasa.

Now holding her from behind, as she started cutting slices of pizza for each of you, you didn't quit looking at Jean not once.

Your eyes remained on his the whole time you were cutely hugging her girlfriends' waist.

He rolled his eyes annoyed, but decided not to interfere.

Sincerely amused by your little shows and not surprised that the two of you were already battling, Mikasa laughed

«Instead of acting like babies, why don't you two cooperate for once and start
setting the table while I finish cutting your pizza?»

You sighed, annoyed by the fact you couldn't keep enjoying her sweet perfume there glued to her back, but decided to actually listen to her.

And so did Jean, placing glasses on the table.

You then helped by grabbing three plates and putting them on each of your seats.

Once you had both finished, it was time to actually have dinner.

Finally, the three of you were all seated at the table, but the atmosphere had gotten way too awkward, just like you were now realizing what was going on less then two hours ago.

It was Mikasa who found the courage to break the silence «It's really good, isn't it?» she hummed, enjoying her pizza.

You couldn't help but notice Jean blushing at her words, probably imagining some horny scenery like a stupid teenage boy would.

And you were correct, because he was thinking of the many other reasons why just not so long ago, she was humming like that.

He was totally embarrassing.

«Yeah, right. Like any other pizza, Mikasa» you laughed, wanting to brush out the awkward act you had been maintaining till now.

«Actually, I think this one is particularly better than any other pizza we've had
till now, y/n» it was Jean who now decided to intervene, more annoying than you could remember.

«Maybe if you stopped sucking up as always you could see that I was joking,

It was way too irritating that he always had to exaggerate anything just to
take advantage of it by showing himself as superior to Mikasa.

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