Chapter 2 - Dinner

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You could hear both of their loudly annoying voices from your own room.

They didn't even care enough to speak at a civilized tone. Not when they actually didn't know you were desperately trying to take a nap before dinner.

Sereral hours had passed since you've known he had arrived. You were aware
of the fact that it wasn't exactly polite to not greet a guest but you still couldn't
care less, honestly.

Just as much as they didn't care to keep their voice down while also having sex in your living room. On your own couch, the one you were sitting on with his girlfriend just a couple of hours ago.

It felt like a betrayal, even though you didn't have any right to be so dramatic over something like this.

They were a couple. An official one. What were you and Mikasa? Nothing. Friends maybe, but nothing more.

At least not officially like her and Jean.

You were confident she just didn't have the guts to confess her attraction towards you.

The one you've been sharing for months, even before they were a thing in the first place.

And now they were fucking on your couch. Disgusting and also quite rude, actually.

They were acting as if you weren't right in the next room. Yeah, pretty disgusting.

They had to know you could hear them loud and clear. Didn't they?

You actually wouldn't even be surprised knowing Mikasa and how much she loved to test you.

This wasn't exactly the first time something like this casually happened.

You could vividly remember each of the many times you had heard the two of them having sex.

Yeah, it was also pretty clear that she was always faking her moans.

Once, you had just came back late from work and just by slightly opening the
front door you were able to catch the image of them fucking on that same couch, even though you had immediately closed back the door.

It was an embarrassing accident that would have never be forgotten by none of you no matter how much you wished it would.

Now it was happening again but you were fortunately aware of it, so you knew
better than to repeat the mistake of that one awkward time.

Unfortunately, even though you were trying as hard as you could, you just weren't able to ignore the two of them and their loud asses.

While Mikasa was faking, it was quite obvious that on the other hand Jean was genuinely enjoying it. You literally could hear him whimper desperately.

Whatever her girlfriend was doing she must have been doing it right.

You felt disappointed in yourself for finding all of it honestly... hot.

But you also felt kind of envious that you had no one to share moments like this with and that the only person you truly wanted sexually was taken and very much doing exactly what you wished to do, with someone else, right next to you, just a wall away.

But that's how Mikasa had planned it all. She wanted you to hear each of her cries, all of her sounds.

She wanted you to feel exactly what you were already feeling, so everything was going just according to her plan.

It had crossed your mind that it was another one of her mischievous plans and, oh, you were so right.

Since the moment she had first talked to you about her sex problems with Jean, that same afternoon, she had a plan on that perverted mind of hers.

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