Chapter 2

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So what's your name boy asked oh my name is Y/n Kamado and you are I asked my name is Peter Peter said oh nice name Peter can you tell me who is this perso- than a portal is here again Tanjiro and Zenitsu and Inosuke falls down and landing on me. Ow I said I'm sorry Y/n Tanjiro apologies That's hurts Zenitsu whine  get off me Zenitsu  Inosuke said hold on Inosuke just wait y/n still laying on ground Zenitsu said. 

Tanjiro and Zenitsu and Inosuke and Peter and I show us a newpaper that Doctor Otto his real and everyone called him doc ock or doctor octopus Zenitsu starts to scream ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT GUY IS A DEMON! Zenitsu said no Zenitsu he still human calm down and I accidentally shapeshift peter  woah y/n you can shapeshift anyone peter asked oh yeah I can shapeshift anyone let me show you  shapeshift as Rosie you shapeshift Otto's wife who died Peter said oh I'm very sorry that's hard losing his wife I can save that at the battle shapeshift back to myself  save that y/n peter said.    

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