Chris • Self Interview

Start from the beginning

"Im 18 years old"

"Uh 18"

"Im currently 18"

'How many instagram followers do you have?'

"Uuuhm 52.3 thousand ooo"

"I have 83 thousand subscribers-"
"No you don't"
"I mean 83 thousand instagram followers"

"I have 44 thousand"

"I have 62.1 thousand.. that's a lot"

'What is the most liked photo on your instagram?'

"26 thousand 1 hundred and 85. It's one of me in my black sweater" Matt said

"My most liked instagram post is just under 40 thousand, it is 39 thousand 4 hundred and 78. It's one of me and Matt, where I have some sick ass yellow glasses." I said, kinda messing up

"Um my recent one because I posted a photo of myself and it was like oh we hit 100k so people were just like really excited. It has 18 thousand 3 hundred and 27. It's just me wearing my blue fire shirt" Nick said showing off his shirt

"Actually it's one of me and Chris, where we were at dinner and Matt got a photo of us, it has 21 thousand 8 hundred and 62 likes." Y/n said, smiling at the camera

'What advice would you give yourself a year ago'

"Don't be a baby, real talk like it sounds like a joke but literally just don't be a baby." Matt said being honest

"I would tell myself not to let others have total control over your emotions, or like don't let other people tell you shit that they want you to do. Just be yourself." I explained

"Relax. Like just relax, because I was worried about way to many things. So I just need to chill" Nick said

"I don't know, I would tell myself a lot but maybe the best is to just be happy because you know like I used to push myself away from everything and would go into a deep state of depression because of it, so just be happy and hangout with people more often" Y/n said explaining how she used to feel

I hope no one has to go through something like that like y/n.

'What was the biggest thing to happen to you career wise?'

"Uhm hit a 100 thousand subscribers" Matt said proudly

"Probably going to LA or stuff that we can't really talk about yet because it hasn't happened yet but that's definitely the biggest thing." I said trying not to spoil any of the surprises

"Making new friends, 100 thousand subscribers, signing up for a YouTube plaque, going to LA for the first time. A lot of things" Nick listed

"I don't know, I think the biggest thing for me is my best friends, Matt, Nick and Chris. You know cause I've never really had many friends when I was younger and now I know what it's like to actually have friends who are willing to like actually be there for you and stuff like that" She said smiling at us

'Are you in a relationship? Or have you been in one?'

"I have, and I am not anymore" Matt said

"No, neither" I said

"I'm currently not, thank the lord, Jesus christ and I have been" Nick said

"I am not in a relationship and never have" Y/n says

'What is your biggest regret'

"This is also going to sound like a joke but being a baby when I told myself not to be" Matt explained laughing a bit

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