chapter one

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September 14, 2021.

It was a crazy day for media, but not because of the preseason of the NFL, but because the National Football League did something unheard of, something that would changed the whole game, for better and worse depending who's opinion.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have breaking news that the Las Vegas Raiders have signed Reese Parker, former USC Punter and Safety," Kay Adams announced on Good Morning Football as her coworkers wooed understanding what that meant. "Meaning that Reese Parker will make history in being the first ever woman to play in the National Football League! That's amazing! You go Reese!"

And just like that, it was everywhere on sports news. The Las Vegas Raiders just lose their star punter AJ Cole to a season ending injury, and with Commioner Goodell's sign off, the team signed twenty-three year old whether Head Coach Jon Gruden wanted to or not.

Mark Davis, the son of the late great Al Davis, the owner of the Raiders personally called Reese to give her the great news. With being a life long Raiders fan as a child herself, she started fangirling in the middle of the gym. "Congratulations and welcome to the family! Pack your bags Parker."


It was about eight seven degrees out in Vegas and climbing up by the hour, but it was penetrating the woman. There was a slight breeze, blowing Reese's loose golden blonde hairs in her face, more specific, over her eye sight. Blowing them out of her face, she tucked her hair behind her ear before smiling softly.

She was here. At the Raiders training facility.

Realizing that she had been staring at the facility for a little bit now, she looked down at her watch seeing that it was barely six and practice hadn't start for another hour and half. Shrugging her shoulders, she entered the facility looking for the conference room. Reese Parker stood out like a sore thumb in no matter what she wore. Reese wore loose fitting Nike black shorts over her compression pants, and a Raiders dri-fit shirt that tugged around her broad shoulders. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail that popped out behind her ball cap.

"Wow, no one ever beats me here." Turning around Reese became face to face with Derek Carr, the Raiders Quarterback who tilted his head at her.

Reese was a lot shorter than Derek thought, but he also was above six foot. "Yeah well let's just say I couldn't sleep, and it's my first day so..."

"Ah I see, well I'm Derek Carr, welcome to the team," He offered his hand and she shook it with a nod. "just let me know if you need anything and if anyone gives you a hard time, I'm not standing for that crap."

"Thank you, I will."

Showing her the conference room, the two sat in the front row as a couple of players started trickling in. Having Derek Carr pulling for her meant a lot to her, it calmed her nerves a lot. Next big player that approached her was Jonathan Abrams, and coming from someone that also played defense, Abrams is one hell of player.

She stood up when he grinned "Glad to have you on the team Reese, best stats for a punter. I'm a huge fan."

"I appreciate it, I'm also a huge fan of yours." Shaking hands, she went to sit down when Hunter Renfrow and Darren Waller walked up.

Hunter Renfrow wasn't your topical wide receiver, he stood at five foot ten, barely a hundred and eighty pounds. Most made the comments when he was drafted that he looks like a nerd, but boy he is fast and will outrun them six foot players. Quick on his feet.

Now Darren Waller, he made Reese look like a damn kid. Six foot six almost two hundred and sixty pounds. He was a beast. Big, tall, and dominates the field when that football is tucked under his arm.

"Hello Reese, I'm Hunter and this is Darren, but I'm sure you already know who we are," Hunter chuckled before saying "welcome to team, excited to work with ya!"

Darren nodded in agreement before commenting "I hear you like to lift heavy..."

"I do."

"We normally do small competitions either Wednesdays or Thursdays if you'd like to join us, just some friendly competitions."

Smiling "Thank you, I'd love too."

"Awesom-" Darren was cut off when Head Coach Jon Gruden slammed the doors open with a pissed off look on his face. Seeing Reese there, he glared at her before adverting his eyes in the opposite direction "Take your seats."

Doing so, the rest of the team had an idea why he was already pissed, he wasn't to fond of women in the football industry, and he was angry about having a woman on his football team.

"As everyone has seen on the news, we have a n-new addition to team, Reese Parker, she will be replacing Cole." Coach stopped there before he huffed out scanning everyone's eyes but hers. Interesting. "In the event of our Win yesterday, take it easy boys, walk throughs today, Parker, you will be with myself and the conditioning coaches so we can see where you're at physically."

Nodding she said "Got it Coach."

Dismissing them all, Reese stood by as her male counterparts headed to the locker room to get there helmets and gear. Four coaches, which she assumed was the strength and condition coaches walked over with Gruden introducing themselves "Parker, I'm Rick Slate, I'm the senior coach for strength and conditioning. This is Deuce Gruden, D'Anthony Batiste, and A.J. Neibel. We're gunna conduct basically what they have the players do at an NFL Combine, and then we're gunna do some conditioning, makes sense?"


Deuce Gruden said "Alright kid, got your cleats?" Getting a nod, he continued "alright grab some water and meet me outside? I'll show you some warm up exercises."

Warm up exercises? They must really think she got her off pure luck. Walking off to get some water, Rick said "You know she's good, like we don't have to see her do a damn NFL Combine circuit to learn that." He looked at Head Coach Gruden.

"Yeah yeah, but I want her to get the full force of things, I want her to rethink why she's here."

Blinking multiple times at him, Batiste sighed before heading outside. Gruden has lost it. -

Tying her cleats nice and tight, Reese munched on some snack before getting into the mindset. 'Show then what you got Reese' she could hear her fathers voice.

Oof. As Reese excepted it, it was either these coached out against her or her conditioning was shit. Coach Jon Gruden had her running straight into suicide runs after her mini 'NFL Combine' and she swore she was gunna throw up.

Greg Olson, Offensive Coordinator, well respected coach, while having the boys pack all they practice equipment up, turned around to see that Reese Parker was STILL doing suicide runs. "Jesus christ, he's trying to kill her." Jogging over, he put his hands up "Hey! What the hell are you doing? Parker! Stop!"

Doing as she's told, she slowed down before feeling light headed and sliding down to one knee to catch her breath. Fuck. As her breath calmed down, she could overhear Olson and Gruden arguing.

"Hey what are doing?! It's called conditioning!" Gruden shouted before getting in Greg Olsons face. Batiste got in between them trying to break it up.

Greg, didn't care and stood his ground "no it's not, are you losing it man? You're trying to kill her, suicide runs? For an hour? It's almost ninety out here man. No that's enough, Parker, stretch and you're good to go, see you same time tomorrow, go kid."

"Y-yes sir, thank you." Grabbing her things, she did some stretching and heading out to her car.

What a first day. Who woulda known that Jon Gruden would such an asshole? Shits crazy to think about when Reese looked up to him so much. "Well you survive day one, I guess." She told herself.

Hey y'all! I'm sorry about the delay, I accidentally fell asleep yesterday and was busy today. I hope y'all liked the first chapter, the first chapter is always rough for me, but next one will be better! Thank y'all and love ya! 💜💜

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