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Jiang Cheng was having doubts.

Well it's not like he didn't believe his brother or anything but just ... it was a feeling.

The fool he knew like to cause troubles and say shameless things every time they are together.

But the person he is seeing now isn't like that.

He is like the child he remembered in his memories when wei wuxian first came into Lotus pier.

A child who would meekly agree whatever said an kept quiet most of the time.

It was only after some months he started to open his heart and be the person he is now.

But now seeing this person he is reminded of the past when he would treat his young brother badly because he thought his father loved him more than he does him.

And out of jealousy he... spoke badly to him.

He never mean those words he said to him as a child that wei ying was kind enough to let it go.

But the guilt still remained.

So he wanted to be nice to him and show how much he cared about him but .. now after lossing his memories he seems a bit out of it.

Like he would stare at a space for a long time.

And would space out time to time.

And he would also hear muffled sobs from  him at late at night.

Then at morning he would act as If nothing happened.

And would start asking questions about everything.

At first he thought it might be because he was frustrated to forget the person he spend 7 years with but.. the sobs were still there even when everything was alright.

Sometimes he can't believe this is the brother he knew a week ago.

Sometimes he felt like the person he facing right now is the really the past wei ying or just a different person he knew nothing about.

He didn't let anyone meet his brother for the fear that he might not be able to take all the information so he went slow explaining him about everything he knew from his viewpoint.

But he didn't told him the fact that not only him but the second jade also lost his memories during the night hunt while saving wei ying from the danger.

And him too was acting weird.

From the start the night hunt wasn't something they would have gone if not for his brother pestering to the first jade to go on a night hunt.

And even at the night hunt he was acting weird as if unsure ... he should've noticed and be by his side to help him but it was too late until he got there.

He never wants to feel the feeling of loss he felt when he saw his brother in such a vulnerable state.

So all he can do now is be here for him until he gets better.

Wish he knew how to console this wei ying right now.

He never knew how to console his brother when he was sad .. as he never needed to he would get over anything easily and would just smile like nothing happen everytime and when asked if he was alright he would just say ''Awhhhhy~ are worried about me my little~ s~h~i~d~i''

And everything fine.

He wished that his sister was here she would know how to handle this situation.

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