At the same time, I also felt like I couldn't. Because of our lack of memories, it's inevitable that the subject would arise. Why would I take the chance to make it worse on the both of us by speaking on something that taunts us, that emphasizes our problem?

"Miss (Y/n)?"

I hadn't noticed, but instead of replying to the warden, I had my eyes fixated on a patch of dirt while I had thought about the man in front of me.

Flustered, I tore my eyes from the ground to Ingo, his expression puzzled but held still in that usual stoic look.

Dull eyes...


If he were to be described in one word, then it would be absent.

"You can just call me (Y/n)," I waved off.

He hummed before speaking. "Well then, (Y/n), how can I assist you?"

Perhaps I could change our lack of exchanges. Despite everything, I would still like to share our experiences in this area that we were brought up upon, at least.

"Could we have a quick battle? I've been needing to clear my mind."

He complied, and we readied for battle.

Our Pokémon clashed, equally balancing out each other in skill and strength. Occasionally he would win and other times I'd win, proving that our similar modern skills were probably due from our time period.

When I caught a glimpse of a certain color pattern in the distance, my mind went back to a certain merchant. I thought I saw his figure from over the fence of the training grounds over where the Gingko shop was. My heart jumped at the familiar clothing and suddenly I was on edge.

There he goes crossing my mind again. I liked Volo—he was my best friend, but I was also conflicted. He was closest to me and he stood by my side when I needed it. I always felt happier with him around, too.

We... shared moments where I felt like I liked him, but even then I wouldn't want to do anything if there was a chance for me and Ingo to return to our times. So I would push those feelings away as best I could before they grew into something bigger.

The effort wouldn't be enough, telling from how excited and nervous I got when I caught I glimpse of the merchant uniform from afar. Turning my head to get a better look as Ingo took his turn, I realized that it was actually not Volo, but rather Tuli approaching the wagon— she must've left for something and was just coming back.

I internally groaned. How embarrassing. Getting so worked up only to mistake the person. Maybe I just have bad eyesight or something.

And just like that, my face flushed when I realized how much Volo has been affecting me. So much for pushing those feelings away.

Aside from that, I felt utterly torn. He would tell me everything, right? He would at least mention the things that bother him like how I tell him about my troubles, right? I just wish he trusts me with those things, I'd want to help him through it.

He was always a curious man, and he mentions very little about his childhood. From what I can assume, it probably wasn't one of the best. I would catch him zoning out in a world of his own, his sweet smile would be wearing a frown with a shadow casting over his eyes from the angle of his hat.

In those silent moments, who knows what goes on through his mind.

When my thoughts came to a close I realized that the battle became rather... quiet. When I turned my attention to my opponent, I finally noticed that he had been standing still, watching me as his Gliscor waited patiently for his next command.

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