see you at school~

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(I don't own that video and France is you an England is Aizawa)


When I got home I saw shouta (Aizawa) on the couch asleep."s*** I totally forgot I left him here, should I wake him up"I looked at him again and I saw how peaceful he looks when he is sleeping. I decided to leave him there, I grabbed a blanket and put it on him but when I was about to leave I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me down onto the couch. I turn around to see a half asleep shouta (Aizawa).

"Hello kitty~"he said in his recipe voice
I froze until my face rises hotter than natsu's fire
(yes fairy tale references and any other anime references may be put in this 😎💅)

"S-hou-ta can yo-you let m-me go...pls"he didn't say anything but instead snuggled more with me and after a bit he fell asleep.I tried to escape but failed miserably so I gave up and fell asleep and in joyed the warmth while it lasted.

Shouta (Aizawa) POV

I felt something wrapped in my arms. I slowly opened my eyes to see Y/N wrapped, I was shocked. How did this even happen I mean I'm not complaining they look so...Cute,when they are asleep.

(We all know Aizawa is the one on tope of you like a human shield~ And now for my dirty minded readers this is not the chapter yet for all that we're up to it soon and this is not mine)~authors Note

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(We all know Aizawa is the one on tope of you like a human shield~
And now for my dirty minded readers this is not the chapter yet for all that we're up to it soon and this is not mine)~authors Note

I didn't want to let go but I need to it right now,wait....what time is it....I tried to grab my phone and was successful on grabbing it. When I opened it up it said it was 6:36, good it was not class time but I should wake them up.I lightly woke them up and they where still hafe a sleep to I woke them up again and they finally got up but when they realize what position we were in they jump up from the couch and had a face that put Erza's hair to shame.

After they were frozen for a minute I figured out what happened last night,they told me everything and I was happy but embarrassed "I am so sorry,that happened.i didn't mean to do that I was a sleep well half asleep" I keep on rambling and then my phone went off it was now 6:53!!!


"I do sorry Y/N again for what happened but it is all most 7 so I think I will leave so you can get ready and out of..."he look up and down at me.

(I keep on forgetting to say this but imagine the outfit and whatever gender you want)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(I keep on forgetting to say this but imagine the outfit and whatever gender you want)

He finally stop looking up a down"sorry I spaced out for a minute, I will go now sense you know you need to get ready for school and see you at school...



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