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After Phoenix left Yoru laid in the firebirds bed just hugging one of his pillows, ah how soothing and calming the blazes scent was to the riftwalker

But something was kind of bothering him, when he was listening in when the firebird and wind girl were talking he overheard that she tried holding Phoenixs hand. That kind of irritated him, but why? Yoru understood they were good friends but the thought of seeing them just holding hands made him a little bitter, especially if they intertwined their fingers.

The riftwalker tried shaking the thought out of his head and hugged the pillow tighter

("I'll just try to get some more sleep")
Yoru thought to himself and then closed his eyes enjoying the smell of the firebird, after a while the riftwalker fell asleep


Jett placed her hand on the firebirds chest and looked into his eyes and with her other hand she reached for his cheek, the firebird just accepted it and didn't smack her hand away or even just push her away

The riftwalker was watching, just standing there. He wanted to move but he couldn't, anger filled him, why isn't Phoenix doing anything?!?

The wind girl kept getting closer to the firebirds lips, the closer she got the more weaker the riftwalker felt. For some reason he couldn't move, all he could feel is his legs giving out and the feeling of his heart being shattered

Once the wind girls lips landed on the firebirds the riftwalker fell to his knees while he felt his heart drop, tears started flowing down his cheeks but the sorrow immediately turned into anger when Jett turned her head towards Yoru and smerked at him and then went back to kissing the firebird


Yoru immediately sat up and gripped the sheets of the bed tight, Yoru gritted his teeth and stood up from the bed "Stupid fucking dreams"
Yoru knew to him that it was a nightmare but he didn't wanna admit that

The riftwalker let's out a sigh and fixes the firebirds bed

("I need to let out this anger somehow")

Yoru made sure that he didn't hear anyone around before leaving the room and then headed to the shooting range hoping that there was no one there

On the walk there he passed one of the training areas and as he walked by he looked through the window of the training area and saw Phoenix and Jett training with each other

He stopped for a moment to observe them, Phoenix ruffled the wind girls hair as she smiled at him.

The look, the way that girl looks at Phoenix, it isn't just a friendly look. The riftwalker gritted his teeth as he observed them but was surprised when he felt a tap on his shoulder, Yoru turns around and immediately feels uncomfortable.
The person standing behind him was Chamber.

"Pardon monsieur but i think your focusing on the wrong thing" Chamber smerks and places his hand on the riftwalkers chin, lifting it up a bit so that Yorus eyes meet with his

"That's more like it, now then, how's the little blue bird doing?"

Yoru forcefully removes chambers hand away "Oh fucking piss off Chamber and don't call me that shit"

"Oh? Little birdy seems to be quite upset, why don't I try to help fix that hmm, shall we spare my friend?"

Yoru stares at the man and actually thinks about it, the riftwalker wouldn't care if he actually hurt the French man so it would be a way to let out a bit of his anger

"Fine, but if you end of with a couple of bruises blame yourself" Yoru said this in a harsh tone and walked off into the direction of the sparring area.

Unexpected Love ( Yoru x Phoenix ) Valorant Fanfic,  YorunixDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora