"Good morning, (Y/n)! We brought some breakfast!"

Ah, that's right.

Rei and Akari were going to accompany me to the nurse's office to take off the bandages and see what else I would need to further the healing process.

"Come in!"

The first thing that caught my attention was the sudden whiff of that familiar scent. Suddenly, I was starving. I'm over the food, but my hunger exists.

Rei walked in first and set his things down before prancing to my side to set down the food for us, Akari then walked in being careful with the bowls of liquid she had in hand.

"Would you settle?! We're not in a rush, Rei," she huffed, struggling. "Next time we're switching."

"It takes as much time to set up food just as long as bringing drinks," he replied as he put a hand on his hip and pointed upwards as if in a sassy manner.

I giggled under my breath. I've always admired the two and their camaraderie. They worked so well together and their contrasts is what always sparked their friendship to be... inspiring, in a way.

I watched as the two set up our breakfast around the fireplace before calling me over to eat. I smiled fondly at the sight; a good meal set up in my room with two great friends of mine, and suddenly I felt warm in my heart— a pure feeling of joy.

After we ate, the two decided to wait outside while I tidy myself up. I sighed as I brought out my uniform from my dresser, feeling torn between excitement and unease. How I longed to go out in the fields and wear it feeling like a part of something while also doing what I love. I wish it would stay like this sometimes.

Sliding out of my comfortable clothes I put on the uniform stiffly, knowing that with my luck I'd somehow undo the stitches on my stomach and be put back in the medical bay. Again. I enjoyed this break, and although I'm still not allowed to be as active, it's at least a step forward.

I look at myself through the mirror as I felt my lips turn upward in a smile. There it was, the familiar figure looking pretty decent in the uniform she thought looked good on her.

The Galaxy Expedition Team had a cool uniform, I have to admit it.

I saw my satchel from the corner of my eye, abandoned in the corner of my room. I go to pick it up, and notice something. It feels... lighter. I guess when it first got lost in the fields I must've lost some items.

Unbuckling the bag and looking inside, I started taking count of what I do have and what I don't. I've lost quite the number of Poké balls and crafting items, mentally thanking Volo for the extra supplies he's gifted me.

I look through the pocket with my more important items, feeling more relieved as I saw that none of those have been lost, mentally thanking the bag for somehow always keeping my key items safe.

My hand shifted through my flute, the lost poems, the map of Hisui, the plates—

The plates...

Blue, green, red, yellow... brown...

My heart dropped to my stomach.

...I'm missing one.

My hand rummaged through the bag, desperate to find the last remaining plate that has yet to meet my eye.

Objects clattered onto each other in the small space before suddenly being dropped on the ground, making another rattling sound in unison.

I tossed the now empty satchel without seeing where it landed, too busy with my frantic search. My eyes and hands moved across all my items, even starting to organize them into groups. My supplies here, the plates there. I'm missing one.

To Know One || (Fem) Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now