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I huffed, on call with my best friend. Henry. Henry Emily.

"Yes, Henry,"

I answer him. He huffed.

I was driving back to where Henry lived, he had recently started a Diner with one of his friends. I personally found myself excited to meet them, but I was skeptical. As I always was.

"Okay, Y/n, but please be careful on the road."

I snapped back into reality at his words. I snickered,

"If you want me to be careful, maybe I shouldn't be on call, after all.. I am on the road." I pointed out teasingly.

I heard Henry laugh a bit.

"Alright-, text me once you get here.. or just knock, my friend that I mentioned in our text messages will already be there,"

The two friends exchanged their goodbyes on-call, then hung up. I focused back on the road. Paying close attention.

••• [••• means timeskip]

I let out a breathy sigh as my nuckles tapped against the door of the Emily's house.

An unfamiliar man answered, they were incredibly tall. Sleek, brown hair with piercing blue eyes.

"And who may you be?" The man asked.

Henry came known in the background. The unfamiliar man stepping back as Henry smiled.

"Henry!" I smiled and push my way through, hugging Henry.

Henry smiled. "Oh-! I didn't introduce the two of you-," Henry gestured to the tall man.

I turned to gaze into their eyes.


He was already staring at me. Staring.

Henry laughed. "Y/n, this is William! William Afton."

I gave a small waved to him, trying to ease the semi-tense feeling William gave off.

"And Will, this is Y/n! Y/n L/n!" Henry said in his usual cheerful, happy tone.

William only stared at me, his gaze piercing through me. I felt arms tugging at my shirt. Charlie.

"Y/n! Y/n!" She cheered. "Y/n come play with me!" She begged and she smiled. "Yeah! Let's go!" The two went to Charlie's room.

I felt the tense stare of William leave my back as I turned the hallway to Charlie's room.

I honestly felt alot happier now that he was away from her, she sat down on the wooden floors. Playing dolls with Charlie.

I heard Henry talking to William, scolding myself silently for trying to eavesdrop.


As time passed, Henry and William walked to Charlie's room. Where Y/n and Charlie where playing.

"Y/n, are you ready to head over to your apartment?" Henry asked.

"Oh! Yeah!" I said happily.

Charlie frowned. "Dont leave yet-!"

I turned to Charlie and picked her up, tickling her as she giggled.

"I'll be back, I promise. Soon tomorrow, deal?" I asked.

Henry nodded his consent.

Charlie giggled. "Yeah!"

I smiled and set her down, turning around and finding the burning blue gaze of William meeting her eyes.

He opened his mouth, "Would you mind if I drove behind you? I'll help you unpack."

I wad a bit surprised by this, William seemed so.. creepy.

I nodded though, figuring it would be better if I had help.

William nodded and whisked away. I felt my shoulders drop.

Y/n, your making a fool of yourself. If Henry is best friends with him, then he has to be nice. Surely. I tried to reassure myself.


I carried items into the apartment I had rented out, William following behind with a much heavier load of my stuff.

Once everything had been dragged in, I thanked William. But it seemed he had a fovor he wanted done.

"Henry and I have been thinking," he began and I payed close attention to his words.

"We both agree that youd be a big help at the Diner. So, I was wondering if you'd like to work there?" He asked.

I nodded happily. "Sure!"

Trust Me. -William AftonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz