CH 2: Proper Meeting

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"Miss Eden?!"

It was to my surprise that Eden is looking for me, she seems to have recovered from that incident.

"Greetings, Y/N. Please take a seat inside, I've got something to say for you."
Said her.

I do what she says and sit inside her expensive car. I sat next to Eden, so we could adequately talk instead of one of us standing outside.

Upon taking a seat, the seat was comfortable. I want to lie down as well if this is my car.
The woman who brought me here starts driving the car to somewhere I won't know for now.

I start the conversation with her current condition, Eden stated that she has recovered from that incident. 

"So, Miss Eden. How it's been?"
I asked.

"I've gotten better since then." 

"F/N B/N, I want to thank you for saving me that night. So, I would like to give you a present."
Said her in a soft voice.

I started thinking about what present I would get.

"What would it be..."
I thought.

As she pick something from her pocket, she gave me a card. The card to be one of her actors in a new movie project?

"An actor?"

"Yeah! With this, not only you can gain money but also be hired in future movies!"
She stated with a smile on her face.

Thinking about this again, isn't this the reason why I started college? I want to be in a movie and such... 

"So, what do you think?"
Eden asked me.

"Hmmm... Sure. But I don't know if I got the time to spend time working."
I answered but I still had doubts If I could have time to work as an actor while also being a college student.

"Ah! You don't need to worry about your college work, this is what you aimed right?"
She assures me that I'm not in the wrong.

Just like that, I've become one of the actors in her movie. The movie is named 'Starry sky in Darkest day', a unique name. It sounds like it's going to represent hope. She gave me the movie script, and I'm acting as... One of the main characters?! 

"M-Miss Eden, isn't this too quick for someone immature at acting?"
I asked her for assurance from her. 

She let out a small laugh before explaining that I had great expressions and coping with a new situation for an actor.

"Sir Y/N, your expression is great when I was dying back then. Also, the way you quickly act is great! Thanks to you, I was able to live until now!"

Her statement about me made me blush while looking away.

"T-Thank you... But I- I wasn't acting back then!"
I said.

"See?~ You are even great at acting shy!"
Eden compliments.

"I-I'm not acting either n-now or back then!"

We talked for the whole ride, it was my first time talking to a famous person like her. But that also means I have to keep my attitude and words great. In the entertainment world, anything will be made of news. No matter if it's good, bad, useful, or useless. 

After hours, we arrived at a production house. Well, not a house but more of a building. Eden assigned me as a new actor and the main actor for the movie. The director was concerned because of his expectancy of my immaturity. But she ignores me and got me in. As we leave, she offered me a temporary place to stay. 

"Monsieur Y/N, would you like to have a place to stay? Your dorm is very far from here and you might gonna be late for shooting."
She asked me.

"A place to stay? Well, this place sure is far from my dorm. I would gladly accept it."
I accepted her offer and she leads me to the place.

A few actors can be seen spying on Y/N and Eden, they are jealous of him. 

Upon arriving, she brought me to my room and it is very clean and majestic. Compared to my dorm, it is 5 times better. The room is located near the balcony of a house. When I look at the bed, Eden is already on it and offers me to join her. Her alluring act and expression made me jump onto the bed.

"Wow! It's so comfy!"
It is truly the comfiest bed I ever got on since long ago. My back felt relaxed and my body felt comfortable. 

Eden suddenly caresses my hair, she plays with it like a fuzzball. I just realized she has been with me laying on the bed. I was embarrassed by my action and faced the opposite way from her. Suddenly, she got closer to the point where her chest was touching my back.

"Y/N, I wonder. What made you save me?"
She asked with her alluring and soothing voice.

I lay there, and don't know what to say. Eventually, I opened my mouth.

"It was... Because I don't want to see anyone dying."
I answered while stuttering.

She later continues to caress my hair before I fell asleep, Eden later left the room.

Is this my new life now? 

As an actor?

Author's words:

Hah! Did you think I forgot about this? Hell no! 

I mean maybe...

I'll keep Golden Love chapters short, I don't want to deepen the lore. The next chapter will be focusing on YOUR introduction to the world of actual acting.


by Indra (Awoga) [PIXIV]

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by Indra (Awoga) [PIXIV]

Also, if you want me to do anything to your character or the story, just comment about it. I'll consider it and add it up if it fits with the story.

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