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song: don't cry - gun's 'n roses

3rd pov

for the next week, y/n was barely able to contain his boredom and pent up energy. he was unable to hold still in any of his classes.

it was especially annoying for professor snape, who couldn't focus on teaching when all he saw was y/n flipping his quill between his fingers and bouncing his legs. y/n was practically vibrating in his seat, drumming his fingers on his desk.

snape let out a loud sigh and set his own quill down.

"mr. l/n," snape said.

y/n's head snapped up and he stared at at snape, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"are you done with the work for all of your classes?" snape asked.

"obviously," y/n said in a sort of snappy tone.

snape closed his eyes and took a deep breath, willing himself to ignore y/n's tone to preserve what little peace he had left in the classroom.

"very well." snape placed a paper onto y/n's desk. "i want you to find everything on this list. i need to replenish my potion ingredient supply."

y/n snatched the paper off his desk and glanced at it before apparating out of the room.

everyone turned their heads at the loud noise, staring at snape who now stood in front of y/n's empty desk.


and that's how things went for awhile. y/n would finish his assignment for the class at practically light speed, then he'd just sit there restless until professor snape gave him something to do. it all went relatively well, until the day snape had a bad feeling.

he'd sent y/n out to get him a few potion ingredients well over an hour ago. he felt a bit off about one of the ingredients, which was located in the forbidden forest. he's figured y/n was able to handle himself, trusting that he knew the spells to protect himself.

snape was in the middle of teaching his last class of the day when y/n apparated into the room, blood smeared and dripping from his mouth. there was a deep gash on his side pouring blood that dripped onto the ground.

the students stood up out of their seats and stared at y/n in bewilderment, horror etched onto their expressions.

"class dismissed! all of you out, now!" snape yelled, and the students were quick to file out of the room.

snape ran to y/n who'd fallen to his knees, coughing on the blood that kept rising up from his throat. his breath was heavily labored, his entire body trembling as the unbearable pain from his side wound spread through his body.

"profess— professor—," y/n choked out shakily, involuntary tears welling in his eyes and falling down is cheeks.

"you're going to be fine," snape said coolly, though he was in turmoil on the inside. suffocating amounts of guilt and fear clogged his throat like bile and burned his stomach as if he'd swallowed fire.

he picked up y/n and ran to his potion supply, grabbing blood-replenishing potion and calming draught. he then apparated to the infirmary, quick to set y/n down on one of the cots.

madam pomphrey came around the corner and gasped in shock at the sight of snape and y/n covered in blood and was quick to run to their side.

"accio towels! accio bucket! accio antiseptic! accio bandages!" madam pomphrey quickly summoned things to her side to heal y/n's injuries.

snape began undoing y/n's shirt to expose his side.

y/n was still breathing hard, his eyes unable to focus onto anything as he went into hysterics, an almost insatiable panic washing over him.

snape took notice of this panic and pulled the calming draught out of his pocket and uncorked it, tipping the contents into y/n's mouth. it worked almost instantly, y/n's breathing slowing down, his fear stricken face relaxing a bit.

madam pomphrey gently felt around the area and y/n winced and sucked in a sharp breath, gripping the sides of the bed he was on.

"he has a few broken ribs and he's lost a lot of blood," madam pomphrey noted.

"vulnera sanentur," she said, waving her wand over the deep gash on y/n's side.

the gash began to heal at a rapid pace, and y/n cried out in pain, his back arching off of the bed. 

"i know dear," madam pomphrey said, grabbing an unused rag and holding it to y/n's mouth, "bite onto this, this next part is going to hurt."

y/n took the rag in his mouth and held his breath as he anticipated the next spell madam pomphrey was going to cast on him.

"brackium emendo," she said.

y/n could hear his own bones moving back together and he screamed, the healing process hurting even more than the initial injury. he cried, tears spilling from his eyes. he bit down onto the rag, glad it was there.

then the pain ended, a dull sort of aching coming from his side. he spat the rag out his of mouth, now just focusing on taking deep breaths.

"take this," snape said, holding a vial to y/n's mouth.

y/n opened his mouth and snape poured in the liquid. y/n didn't feel any physical difference, and he communicated so with his confused expression.

"it was a blood-replenishing potion," snape said.

y/n just hummed and closed his eyes, suddenly feeling incredibly exhausted. he was asleep within seconds.

"will he be alright?" snape asked, finally allowing himself to relax a bit.

"he'll be fine. he needs to spend the next day here in the infirmary so his wounds can fully heal," pomphrey said, dunking an unused rag into the bucket of water she summoned and squeezed it out, then gently wiped away the blood from y/n's face.

"how did such a thing happen to him? do you know?" she asked, dunking the rag back into the bucket and ringing it out again.

"i sent him into the forbidden forest to retrieve something for me. he must've run into something and gotten injured," snape said lowly, his guilting coming back full force now that he was acknowledging that it was his negligence that led to y/n getting hurt.

"you allowed him into the forest alone?"
pomphrey nearly shouted, a scandalizing look on her face.

snape allowed her to chastise him, knowing full well it's what he deserved.

hi guys i didnt proof read this LOL so uh,,, if there's typos,,, oops

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