Chapter 1: Romance Clues

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A tear drooped out of my eyes as I glanced between the two bodies. One exposed and bloody, the other concealed by cracked bricks.


"And? She broke the rules." A familiar voice echoed over the room, sending a reflex of fright down our backs.

"That's...     The punishment...?"

"Yep! So, I suggest you get to investigating. Obviously, by investigating I mean investigating Delphine's death. Not this silly wolf's death."

A couple more clicks were heard to the left of the staircase, the floor underneath the bricks soon sliding away swiftly. The heap fell through, thus marking a very improvised funeral for the wolf as the floor closed back up.

"..." I looked around, taking into account everyone's sorrowful faces. Their eyes weren't anything like last night - They were staring down and melty.

...I guess it's time to begin.

Don't worry Delphine. We'll find out what happened.


My focus cracked back to me when I felt a long vibration in my obviously weird dress pocket. Grabbing my handbook and flipping it on, I noticed some kind of notification at the top of the screen. Letting curiosity take my hands, I tapped on it. An article popped up on my page, with quite a few doughy sentences in it. Once I started to read through it, my ears drooped.

Playgroup File 1:

Victim: Delphine Donkey, Ultimate French Teacher
Time of death: 00:26 am
Time of discovery: 07:13 am
Discovered by: ???, Pedro, Peppa
Location of death: Library
Cause of death: Blunt force trauma

...This may be helpful.

*'Playgroup File 1' has been added to the Truth Bullet section of your handbook.*

Looking next to me, I noticed that George was there, who was also reading through the file on his handbook. A slight note of confusion rang through his face as he turned to me.

"Peppa...       What does this mean?"

"I think it's a file for the basic details of Delphine's dea-"

"I knew that. What I mean is the part where it says 'Discovered by'. Who is '???'...?"

"...I'm not sure...      Maybe Monopotato's trying to make this harder for us?"


*'Third Discoverer' has been added to the Truth Bullet section of your handbook.*

Putting the handbook back into my dress pocket, I lifted my head up, making eye contact once again with the donkey's corpse.

"What now?"

"I guess...       We check out her body..." I shakily replied to George, trotting weakly to the body. The other pig followed behind me.

My steps were shaky as I neared her body. The stench of dried blood rang in her surroundings, mainly from her forehead. Speaking of her forehead, it was drenched in blood, crisped up and ambient.

"There's s-so much blood on her head...      This must be the injury that killed her."

"Yeah...        But there's also blood leaking from her leg..." My brother noted, making me rotate my view to check. It was true - There was a bloodstain on the donkey's left shin.

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