cariad - little bit of everything idk

Start from the beginning

Sel didn't know how much time he spent on that floor, hugging Bree and crying from time to time, but he knew he could not stay there forever. His cheeks felt hot and had trailes of dried tears on them. His eyes felt puffy and they ached.

Sel broke the hug and turned to wipe his face. God forbid Bree seeing him like this. It would be too embarrassing. Also, he didn't want to look at her. To see pity written across her features. It would mean that what the two of them found out was true, and he didn't have the energy to deal with it right now.

Still with his head in his hands, Sel said to Bree, "You should go back to Nick's room. He'll go nuts if he finds you here."

Bree nodded. She got up to go to the door, but then stopped and said, "If you ever need to talk about it... I'll listen."

Sel looked at her from between his fingers, "Thank you."

Bree nodded again then left the room, leaving Sel alone with his thoughts.

He felt dizzy and emotionally drained.

How could she?


The next few days went by in a blur. Eat. Go to school. Go back home. Study. Eat dinner. Sleep, well, at least try. Repeat.

Of course, other people noticed his bad mood and stayed away. All but William.

He would ask Sel how he felt, what he felt ect. It was annoying, since William didn't seem to get the hint that he did not want to talk about it.

Bree, on the other hand, didn't press the matter. She left him alone, to solve whatever was going inside head. Sel was greatful for that.

Even Nick seemed to notice that something was wrong, judging by the way he looked at Sel, as if he was waiting for the bomb to explode.

Bet Sel didn't feel the need to punch or cry. He felt as he wanted to tell someone what he found out. He caried the secret as a burden on his shoulders, and he desperately wanted to got off it's weight.

But who would listen? And he couldn't tell anyone his secret, 'cause that would mean admitting the he and Bree snooped around Davis' office while he wasn't home, and that'll get both into trouble.

He didn't know what would happen to Bree, but he knew that Davis' might make Nick to take his title and then he'll end up just like his mother. So, talking was not an option.

Then Nick cournered Sel in a room.


"What did you do to her?"

Sel frowned at Nick, "What do you mean, Nicholas. I didn't do anything."

"Yes, you did." Nick said, "For the past days she's been looking at you with-I don't know-fear in her eyes. So what did you do?"

Sel sighed, "She wasn't looking at me with fear, she was looking at me with pity."

"Explain," Nick ordered.

Sel sighed again and told Nick to follow him.

Sel brought Nick to his room and took out the papers, then handed them over to Nick, "Read."

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