Chapter 6 - A Thunderous Day

Start from the beginning

" Well yes but he's now your husband, so your also very lucky. "she said and you nodded.

" Yes, now if you excuse me, I will go to help him. "you said and she nodded.

As you entered his office you saw him writing at his table. When he heard steps he looked your way and smiled.

" Ah y/n your finally here, look, I would need all these papers signed by a Kamisato and since your my wife you can do that, after I should send some documents to the Tenryou comission." he said and you nodded.

"Alright, I will have it done!" you said and sat at other table he had in his office. You started signing all those papers with your name and you made sure to check each one. Soon you finished and came back to Ayato.

"I'm done, do you need anything else or should I go to the Tenryou comission to send those documents?" you said and he looked at you surprised.

"Your done so quickly? My, my I did not know my future wife would be so good at managing a clan but I can't say I'm dissapointed ." he said with a smirk and you just rolled your eyes.

"I did study at the Sumeru Academia for a reason didnt I, my dear Ayato ?" you said and he looked at you with a glimmer in his eyes.

"Oh were getting bold are we not?" he said and you just smiled.

"Yes we are sir, now if you would be kind to give me those papers." you said and he chuckled while chasing his head.

"There you go, I'll send one of my Shumatsuban's with you for safety measures. You never know when someone wants to kill the wife of a comissioner." he said and you smiled.

"I appreciate the concern but you know, I can take care of myself, after all I own a vision that's helpful." you said and he smiled.

"I know, but I'm not risking it." he said and you nodded leaving.

As you got to the Tenryou comission you were greeted by Sara.

"Ah y/n what are you doing here?" she said and you smiled.

"I came to leave this at the Tenryou comission Sara, from the Yashiro comission." you said and she nodded.

"Very well I'll send them to my master when he's back from the ceremony, thank you." she said and all of a sudden the shogun came trough the gates of the Tenryou comission.

"Y-your excellency!" you and Sara said bowing at her. You didn't see her in a long time, but you could swear she was scarier than before.

"General Kujou, from today the so called Traveler and That house keeper are under arrest, if you find them, lock them in the prison, oh and, bring the traveler to me." she said in a cold tone and Sara looked at her.

"Yes your excellency!" she said and you looked at her.

"By housekeeper, you mean Thoma your excellency?" you said and she nodded at you with a cold stare.

"Yes Mrs. Kamisato, I hope you won't hide him for what he did, it would be bad if the Kamisato clan betrayed the eternity from inazuma." she said and you nodded.

"Of course almighty shogun, we wouldn't dare to betray you or inazuma." you said and she left. Sara looked at you and spoke.

"Well I'll be off, if you see any of them inform me." she said leaving and you decided to hurry back at the Kamisato estate. You had to inform Ayato and help Thoma, maybe he escaped for now but he would surely not be safe for a long time.

When you arrived at the estate you rushed to Ayato's office and didn't find him there. Then you quickly went to your shared bedroom and you found him looking for something.

"Ayato! We have to hurry- Thoma..." you said trying to catch your breath and he came to you putting his hands over yours.

"Don't worry, one of my shumatsuban informed me of the situation and Thoma is alright in a safe place. As for the traveler he left to the resistance." he said and you looked at him worried.

"But Thoma... Will he be alright? How did he even get in this mess??" you said and he turned and went to the window to look at it.

"It seems that at the ceremony the shogun took the 100th vision, and they decided to take Thomas's vision. I'm not sure why, or how they decided that, but they won't get him." he said and you nodded.

"We have to be careful Ayato, the Shogun warned me not to hide Thoma, of course I told her we wouldn't do that but, we still need to be careful." I said and he nodded.

"Don't worry my love, I wouldn't allow anyone to hurt you or my family, everything will be alright." he said and hugged me and I looked at him stunned. When he noticed he looked at me confused.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked and you looked at him.

"Oh no... You just surprised me with the pet name you gave me." you said blushing and he smirked.

"If you wanted to tell me to keep calling u like that you didn't have to act like that darling you had to just ask me." he said and you buried your head in his chest while he laughed at your behavior.

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