Chapter 6:

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         When the men and I were in the shadow of the B.O.T building, I loaded the rifle, and the men looked at me like I was insane. I didn't blame them, though. I couldn't believe that my dad built this thing. It was beastly. 
    However, I couldn't chicken out now. I had to show them that I could do this. I was the first to walk up the stairs, and the men followed me, even though a couple of their faces showed that they couldn't believe a young girl was carrying and ready to use a deadly weapon. 
    We walked towards the door, the men forming a huddle around me.
    "So how do we get in?" I asked.
    "We pick the lock, or we break the door down," the guy closest to me said to the men, his navy eyes twinkling in the moonlight.
    "I vote we break the door down!" Guri said, but I wasn't sure he was the brightest person in the group.
    "I think we should pick the lock," said another.
    "But Valent was the only one who could pick the lock!" Guri said,"So, let's kick the door down!"
    "Well, I have two hairpins I use to pick the lock into my bathroom," I ejected into the conversation.
    "At least she knows how to do something! Now I know why Valent thought it was okay to tell her. She's the only one that can pick a lock, " the same man answered the small crowd of rebels.
    "Thanks!" I said,  while I picked the lock to get into the building.
"Also I should tell you, I kinda sent myself..." I said, wincing as I saw their eyes widen again.
    "Wait, you sent yourself?! Kid, this is no walk in the park- you could be killed!" Guri said.
    "Well, the door's open and I have a gun, and I know how to use it for the right reasons," I said, pushing the door open.
    "Well, I don't approve of this, but we are losing darkness so let's do this!" one of the men said.
"Okay! Are the cameras out?" I asked the guy nearest to me.
"Yeah, we had an inside man take out the cameras earlier, along with the lights so It looked like a power outage in the building. So to all the workers, the power and internet had been down for the past five to six hours," he answered.
"Let's go then!" I said, moving my light hair out of my face and tying it into a high ponytail. I readjusted my grip on the gun, and walked forward into the building, the hot humid air hitting me like a brick wall. I looked around the room for cameras out of habit, but they were still all out.
"So where are the files kept, if there are any?" I asked the guy closest to me.
"They are in the B.O.T's oval office, we assume, because that is the most secure room in the whole building.. We need to get in there fast." He replied.
"Okay!" I said, moving towards the office as quickly as I could with the heavy gun.
I tried the door, but it was locked, "Guri, the door's locked." I called.
"Well duh, mini Yadgarov!" Guri answered, taking his gun, and shooting the lock.
With the door now unlocked, I walked into the room, one of the men carrying a flashlight so we could see. The light shone dimly in the large room, but it was bright enough for us to make out the filing cabinets.
I put the gun down and pulled open some  of  the cabinets, looking around inside. I was shocked by what I saw inside: thousands and thousands of files that were alphabetically sorted. 
"I-I-I can't believe it! The rebels from sector twenty-five were right!" I said, looking for my own file, if it even existed.
Then I found it. I also found my father's, mother's, brother's, and little sister's files. I opened mine and looked at the data they had on me.

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