Chapter 9 - I Treat Him Differently

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Drake walked to Jimmy and Nanon who were walking towards the class building.

"Hi!" he greeted them. Nanon nodded while Jimmy fist bumped with him.

"I want to warn you guys." Drake said. "Don't enter the class so soon."

"Huh? Why?" Nanon asked confused.

"Your friends Third and Nut are bullshitting about you and Ohm."

Nanon looked confused. "But they are my friends." He muttered.

"Non, it's better to ignore them rather than arguing with them." Jimmy held his shoulder.

Nanon nodded in agreement. "Fine. Thanks for the heads up." He turned to Drake and smiled briefly.

"Anytime dude. Are you... ok?" he asked.

Nanon nodded briefly. "Uhm, I need to use the washroom, I'll be right back." He left hurriedly taking long steps.

"You were right; he is very sensitive." Drake turned to Jimmy.

"That's why I asked you to let me know if there is any problem in class. How is it with Ohm?"

"Almost the same. Just that he is not scared or sensitive. He is afraid, he will punch someone hard and then there will be consequences." They both chuckled.

"Do you know their parents discussed with them about getting a divorce later?" Jimmy asked recalling his discussion with Nanon last night.

"Yeah. That is at least a year after the wedding. They need to make sure the stake holders are not displeased about the relationship being on and off too soon." Drake said explained as per his discussion with Ohm.

"Yeah. Uncle Ae said that's the only thing possible if they are too unhappy about it." Jimmy said. "But about what you have been telling me...?" he then asked skeptically.

"I am sure about it to an extent. I know Ohm very well. Even if he doesn't know it yet. After all I have heard him talking in his most drunk state, most unconscious state, most disturbed state and sleeping state as well. I am 99% sure about this since high school."

"I too believe it. Not only Ohm but Nanon is in it too. I have observed it. Just that he hasn't realized it yet." Jimmy shook his head pressing his lips.

"Don't you ever talk to him? What kinda friend are you?"

"I do. But not much. I don't want to make him feel manipulated."

"Crazy. They have the best chemistry." Drake chuckled.

"I know right. Am tired of their pretence of hating each other." Jimmy said annoyed.

Drake nodded. "So now what shall we do?"

"Let's just try to make sure they talk to each other at least."


"Let's try to make them bump into each other as many times as possible. Until the ice breaks between them." Jimmy said to Drake who smiled and nodded.



--- Ohm ---

As soon as I entered the class, all eyes landed on me. I ignored it and walked till my bench. Nanon and Jimmy were still not in. I had left the parking after they left. But maybe they did not go to the class immediately. I could hear people murmuring looking at me. The ones who never even dared to look me in the eye were now eyeing me. Some were laughing.

"Ignore them." Drake said pulling my bag from me. "It's good that you finally showed up. We have a quiz today." He said.

I wasn't used to any of this. So I did not say anything and kept my head straight.

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