Chapter 26 - Outsmarted

Start from the beginning

"Well I know you are all werewolves, and I know you're the soon to be Alpha." I replied.

"How do you know that?" Zander asked.

"I had seen it the day we met. What I don't know yet, is why you both act the way you do. You should probably know I am not human and there is more to Alexa than meets the eye. I am actually half witch, half wolf."

Gasps filled the air at that. "How is that possible? I can't smell your scent as a wolf and I don't sense your wolf either." Ed said.

"I have a bracelet that hid my powers and suppressed parts of me from myself until my eighteenth birthday, but I don't believe it is meant to stop you from experiencing the mate bond, so I don't think you're her mate." I said honestly.

At that Zander looked deep in thought but didn't say anything so I continued.

"It's because of this magic bangle." I said waving my wrist in the air. "My wolf side is very weak as my witch side is much stronger. I've started seeing the future - usually it's in dreams but for the first time it was when I met Zander like a vision. No other witch has been able to do that just upon meeting someone so I believe my witch powers are much stronger than an average witch. I can also speak with my wolf and my wolf adds to my human senses such as hearing, smell, strength and speed, but my sight isn't different and my eyes can't change colour. I also don't have claws or any other trait as my body is not fully compatible so I'm unable to shift."

"Would you want to join the pack so we can communicate with your wolf through our mindlink? It means you would also understand us in wolf form but it also means you would have to pledge alliance to Zander." Ed mentioned.

"I don't think that would work since I'm to be the vampire queen and my ultimate loyalty is to my mate and his coven." I replied.

Everyone nodded in understanding and Crim smiled at me with adoration in his eyes. Not once has he tried to force anything on me, which is why I love him so much in such a short amount of time.

"Okay so to get this straight, you're the most powerful witch in the world to your knowledge, plus have most senses heightened by your wolf but don't have a wolf form. You're also about to become the vampire queen. You have your toes dipped into three different ponds. Your kids will be awesome! Can you tell me my future?" Ella asked excitedly.

"Haha it doesn't work that way I'm afraid, but I have seen your mate. I can't give you more information on it or it may change the outcome so don't bother asking any more questions...  no I am not the most powerful witch that would be the evil witch who is coming to destroy us all, but I am the most naturally gifted at this point in time. The Evil witch has power I cannot measure up to, but do not worry about that yet we still have a few months to prepare. There is also one other being more powerful but I cannot give you their identity or discuss it any further.  I will also warn you that you can't speak to Alexa about of any of this.

"Why? She's your best friend." Zander decided to finally speak.

"There is also a lot that we cannot discuss about Alexa until she discovers things herself. Unfortunately if anyone tells her some things prematurely her future only leads to death. I have seen it in many different scenarios and they all end the same way." I say sadly.

Zander stood up and looked at Ella and Ed. "I'm sorry for what I am about to do but you must know, I can not risk this getting out. Please do not fight this I do not wish to bring either of you pain."

It was my turn to look confused but glancing at Crim he seemed to understand what was happening. Zander began to speak. I could feel the power surrounding him all of a sudden and it made my wolf in my head bow her head in respect. 

"No one is to speak of what we have discovered just now. No one is to repeat it to anyone. Not even each other or Jax who isn't here." Zander commanded. 

"Yes Alpha." Both Ella and Ed submitted to him even though he is not officially the Alpha yet. Shadow already has the power and respect by all his wolves.

Crim spoke next addressing me. "Zander used an Alpha command. If someone fights it or tries to refuse it, it will cause them unbearable pain until they submit to it. Only a stronger wolf would be unfazed by it."

I nod my head in understanding. "Please keep in mind I'm not telling you not to leave hints here and there, you may carry on as you normally would, just do not speak of what you know about me or anything I have said. For example if you let a growl out accidentally it's something that is fate. She will figure things out in her own time. I have been leaving her small hints here and there that she has chosen to ignore. When she figures things out she won't be able to ignore things anymore. She will put all the pieces together on her own." Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Zander before I forget... what you saw this morning that you have kept to yourself... She will just assume it was as a result of Crim's power. Best not to mention it to her. Please do not ask me questions about it either, I won't be able to answer them." 

"I understand." Zander said and he chose to keep it to himself despite the curious glances he was getting from Crim, Ed and Ella.

"I should also warn you in case you haven't worked it out yet, forcing Alexa to do something she doesn't want to do will not work and only make her angry or just push her away. I understand you are an Alpha and are used to having control, but good luck with that. In fact at this very moment she has convinced herself she is not going to attend tomorrow's party."

"What?!?" Zanders wolf made an appearance now. "She has to be there! I've been waiting all week for..."

"I know, she won't be there unless..."

"Unless what?" Zander cut me off.  I smiled at him. "Find a way to apologise without words. She won't answer your calls or her front door if she sees you."

I smiled at the confusion on his face. "If you end up figuring it out..." I paused for effect and sent him a wink, "go with the black shirt you never wear and your dark pair of jeans for tomorrow's party." He looked surprised but then gave an excited grin.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow at 7pm, make sure you girls are ready." Zander replied.

Crim and I vanished and appeared back at our room. He looked at me hungrily while unbuttoning his shirt. "We only have two hours before I have to drop you off at school with Alexa. I won't be able to see you for a few days so I better give you something to remember me by."

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