Chapter 19: Meeting the Snake

Start from the beginning

"I believe this is yours" the Kusa Genin said as he gave Anko. back her Kunai.

"Why thank you...but you shouldn't sneak up on me from behind like that" Anko said with a cheery grin. "That is, if you don't want to die young."

"I apologize" the Kusa Genin replied though she sound anything but sorry, as she retracted his tongue and smiled, after Anko took her Kunai. "It's just that I get excited when I see blood. Also, my precious hair was cut, so I got a little bit more excited."

"What's with that guy?" Naruto thought, as he got a bad feeling off the Kusa Genin.

"Well now, it seems that we have quite a few lively Genin today" Anko commented, as she walked back in front of the group of Genin.

"Now before we start the second test you need to sign all these" Anko explained as she held up a large bunch of forms in her hand.

"What are they?" a Genin from Suna asked.

"These are consent forms, which you must sign to participate in the second test" Anko replied.

"But why?" asked Ino.

"Simple, in this test people will die; therefore, we need your consent before we can continue, otherwise I'd be held responsible", Anko answered, where she then laughed, as if the whole thing was funny.

Naturally, no-one found it funny and many people became nervous at hearing how people would die in this exam.

Soon enough though, everyone signed the sheets and handed Anko back the forms, once the forms were signed, Anko went onto explain how the second test was going to work. She explained that they would be all be given a scroll, where one half would be given a scroll with Heaven on it and the other with Earth on it, extra scrolls would also be hidden in the forest. She also explained that to pass they would all have to make it to the tower in the centre of the forest, and could only enter it when they'd both have an Earth and Heaven scroll and were with their entire team.

Anko then went on to explain that the only way they could pass this exam, was to get an opposite scroll to the one they had in five days, which was the time limit to the exam. She even explained that if they fail to get the scroll in the time allowed, lost a team-mate or open the scrolls before entering the tower, they would automatically fail the exam.

After finishing explaining the rules of the exam, Anko then spoke up again, "Also there is one final thing, which is for the Genin of Hatake Kakashi, Uzumaki Kushina, Yamato and Killer Bee of Kumo."

Upon hearing this Yugito, her team, along with Naruto and team seven listened up.

"Due to the fact, that your two squads each have four members in it and in the interest of fairness to the other teams, who all only have three members. Your squads will have to gather twice the number of scrolls and in the same amount of time as everyone else."

"WHAT!" cried Karui, "But that's not fair!"

"Well tough, as the Hokage decided that it was the only fair thing to do, since you each have one extra member on your squad, and if we didn't do this. Then the other squads would be complaining that it was unfair to them", Anko explained.

After hearing this Naruto frowned, for although he understood why the Sandaime did this, he still didn't like it. As now regardless of what scroll they got, he and his team would have to gather three others scrolls.

Meaning they needed two Heaven and two Earth scrolls to pass the exam, while everyone, (minus Yugito's team), just needed one of each.

Once all explanations were done, the Genin teams were all secretly given their own scrolls; Naruto and team seven were given the Heaven scroll, (which was given to Sasuke to keep). After which they were assigned to gate twelve from which to enter the forest.

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