Chapter 12: Sensei.

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"Well its true, I'm afraid, although I do admit I underestimated him several times in the fight and he already new a lot about me, from what his mother and Jiraiya-sama told him about me. He also had me at a disadvantage as I knew none of his abilities and skills; hence I didn't know what he was fully capable of, until it was too late, where he then beat me".

"Perhaps you should explain exactly what happened during the test Kakashi", spoke the Sandaime, as he was now very curious what exactly Naruto could do, as Jiraiya was suppose to show up yesterday and tell him about Naruto's abilities, but he did not show.

The Hokage was a patient man, but after hearing his twelve year old surrogate Grandson and newly made Genin, beating Konoha's top Jonin in a fight made him want to know exactly what Naruto was capable of and what his former students had been training him in.

Kakashi of course agreed and began to tell them how he had explained the rules of the bell test to Naruto and the others, after which he then went on to explain how he beat Sakura by using Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique).

When Kurenai heard this she frowned, since she had see Sakura's grads and Academy records, hence she should have easily got out of that weak level Genjutsu. This of course made her wonder what exactly the Academy had been teaching these kids today and wonder how far had the Academy levels fallen, if the Top Kunoichi could not get out of a simple weak level Genjutsu.

Kakashi the explained how Naruto knew the first meaning of the test thanks to his mother and Jiraiya, where he then rescued Sakura where he tried and failed to get her to work with him. Kakashi then went on to explain his battle with Sasuke, where the Hokage and the two other Jonin Sensei's, were both surprised and impressed with how well Sasuke faired against Kakashi by himself. Not to mention how he knew and had mastered the Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique) a C rank level Fire Jutsu.

Kakashi then told them how like before with Sakura, Naruto rescued Sasuke and tried to get him to work with him, but failed again like with Sakura. But even despite hearing how Naruto had failed to get Sasuke to work with him, the Hokage along with Asuma and Kurenai had been impressed with how Naruto managed to trick Kakashi and escape. As it had shown that he had fully mastered of the basics and could use them effectively in battle.

Once he finished that explanation, Kakashi preceded to explain his fight with Naruto, both Sarutobi's and Kurenai was greatly surprised when they heard that Naruto had created his own Taijutsu style, even if it wasn't fully developed yet, it still showed that Naruto had a great deal of talent to do that at his age.

They had been further impressed when they learned of Naruto's Kenjutsu's skill, but that quickly turned to shock when Kakashi told them that he had a Wind affinity and had created his own A level rank Wind Jutsu.

"Damn! ...the kid actually created a Technique like that by himself" said Asuma as he puffed out some smoke from a new cigarette as he was clearly impressed with Naruto skill level when Kakashi told them. As to master his Wind affinity to the point of being able to use Hien no Jutsu (Flying Swallow Technique) by just teaching himself, at his age and still create an A rank Jutsu. As powerful as the one Kakashi described to them, told him that Naruto was far more talented than everyone thought. He also wondered at the same time if he could get Naruto to teach him that Technique as from what Kakashi told them of it, it could be very useful in a fight.

"Impossible Kakashi, no child could create a Technique like that by himself", replied Kurenai in disbelief as she could not believe that Naruto created an A rank level Wind Technique like that by himself.

"Well it true Kurenai, as he had no reason to lie and I could tell he wasn't not to mention their no way his Mother or Jiraiya-sama could have taught him it as neither of them have a Wind affinity or are skilled in Wind Jutsu's", replied back Kakashi.

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