Chapter 8: Discovery.

Start from the beginning

Soon enough the Fire Daimyo entered the room with Four Royal guards and Two armed Samurai wearing the same kind of armour that the Samurai they saw at the gate. The guards and the positioned themselves around the Fire Daimyo while the Samurai sat on their knees. Where one sat on the Fire Daimyo's far front left while the other sat on the Fire Daimyo's far front right, so that if Tsunade or the others tried to attack the Fire Daimyo, they could intercept them before they could reach the Fire Daimyo. The Fire Daimyo himself was a man in his mid to late fifties; he was a tin and tall man with a narrow face. Once the Fire Daimyo was seated in front of Tsunade and the others he then spoke in a pleasant, friendly and welcoming voice.

"Greetings Tsunade-san, I 'am very grateful that you came to help my son, as he is in desperate need your help".

"Of course, Daimyo-dono I will do whatever I can to help you", replied Tsunade respectfully.

"Thank you" said The Fire Daimyo where he then turned to look a Shizune who was holding TonTon in her arms and was on Tsunade left.

"And this must be you Apprentice Shizune, if I'm not very much mistaken", said the Fire Daimyo.

"Hai! It is an honour to meet you Daimyo-dono", spoke Shizune respectfully and did a slight bow with the Fire Daimyo waved his hand politely saying she did not need to and smiled slightly. He then turned and looked over to Naruto who was sitting on Tsunade's right.

"But I 'am unfamiliar as to who this young boy next to you, is he another student of yours? That you took in", asked the Fire Daimyo.

At this question Tsunade became hesitant to answer, although she had expected it and knew what she needed to say, she was still hesitant to answer it, as she knew she maybe putting Naruto's life endanger, where all the years that they have been hiding would have been for nothing.

"Before I answer you question Daimyo-dono did the Hokage tell you all of the conditions that had to be made when helping your son", asked Tsunade cautiously as she was unsure that she could trust the men in the room as well as the others in the Estate.

"Yes I have, I have only brought a group of about thirty servants, twenty Royal guards and twelve of my Samurai here. I trust them all without question as they have all served me loyally for many years", replied The Fire Daimyo with his eyebrow slightly risen up. Since when he first heard Tsunade's condition from the Sandaime he was curious as to why Tsunade had asked for these conditions. Now that she was here with an unknown boy his curiosity was peaked even more, since it was oblivious that Tsunade's cautious nature was linked to the young boy next to her.

At this Tsunade sighed and remained quite for a minute or two preparing herself for what she had to say.

"The boy next to me Daimyo-dono is named Naruto... Senju Naruto to be more precise...and he is my son", said Tsunade.

When the Fire Daimyo heard this, he was naturally shocked to say the lest, where both his eyebrows went right up into the air where they were hidden behind his headdress that he was wearing. Even the Fire Daimyo's guards and Samurai were equally shocked at the news that Tsunade of the Sannin had a child.

Once the Fire Daimyo got over his shock, he the began to chuckle, "My, my, my, this is quite a shock...I'm surprised that I'm only learning this now and not years ago... since I would have expected news as monumental as this, to be know long by now".

"That is because no-one knows that I have had a child Daimyo-dono.....Very few people even know this and I would like it to be kept this way if you will Daimyo-dono", spoke Tsuande, which caused the Daimyo to raise his eyebrows again curiously.

"Oh!.....and May I ask why you wish to keep such happy news hidden from everyone especially from Konoha. Since I would be certain that the people as well as the Ninja's there would be overjoyed at the news that you had a son and that your Clan line can still continue on", asked the Daimyo.

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