Ghost?? Fake stories

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Here is a story where friends enter a so called haunted house with exicitement... What happens to them is the rest... So continue reading folks.
Story characters:
"Where are we going in this holidays?"asked Sara enthusiastically. Ram replied that "we would go to kodaikanal, what you say Rahim?" "I would love to go to hill station. That would be best. What do you say Reena?" Said Rahim staring at Reena who was in deep thoughts. "Reena are you alright?" Asked all the others. "I'm fine. Just lost in train of thoughts. What were you guys saying?" Said Reena who was not in a good mood today. "Oh yeah we said we would go for kodaikanal this leave" said Sara. "When are we leaving?" Asked Reena without the enthu that was spreading among the group." If you are okay, we'll be leaving by this monday" said Ram with a great happiness. "And returning date??" Asked Reena. "By the end of that week." Said Sara. "Oh okay, I'll join you guys. I'll...." She was saying something when her mobile started ringing. "Excuse me all" she moved away and attended her phone. "She's been acting wierd these days" said Rahim with worried face. "Is everything alright? Sorry I wasn't able to join earlier due to traffic. Has the plan for holidays been plotted. I am so curious" said Agatha with a pleasent smile. She carefully listened to all the things happened earlier before she came. "Lets talk to her about her problem." Said Agatha with cherishment. Reena returned and was even more sad than she was before the call and looked at newly joined Agatha and welcomed her and continued ," I'm sorry guys you should leave without me I hope so. I'm booked the following week." Said without the enthu. "What happened?" Asked Agatha. With worried face Reena said that she was doing a research on paranaormal activites and  she got a perfect place to research after a long time and just now she got a permission to explore a place and the date are only available on the dates when they have planned for the trip. "So is this the reason you have been upset the whole day Reena?" Asked Sara with a sad face. "Yes I was. I've never spent holiday without you guys but now if I have to pursue my research, I will not be able to come with you guys." She said with a weeping face. Agatha said "don't you worry Reena. Lets find a way to solve this problem." "But how? If Reena has to continue her research along with us we have to kill a person among us and take her to kodaikanal and we can do research cum entertainment what do you say?" Asked Rahim with great sense of humour. Ram continued,"if we are ought to kill a person I would prefer Rahim would be best. Because he knows the way to grave yard and all. Lol". Group started giggling as Ram and Rahim started to fight childishly. " There is a person missing. Where is Aravindh?" Asked Sara. "He said he will not be able to join us today as he was leaving for his uncle's funeral. He'll be joining us for vacation" said Rahim. Again Reena gone upset after hearing the word vacation. Ram said," I know a place so called haunted in Kodaikanal. If you wish I'll ask my maternal uncle to enquire about it." "Why didn't tell this earlier? Go ahead and ask" said Reena with curiosity. "Fine gimme a minute" Said Ram taking his phone and going far from them. "Even though Ram suggested the idea of going to kodaikanal I never knew that Ram had relatives there." Said Sara with surprise. "His maternal uncle Mr. Somnath has just now moved to Kodaikanal with his family. Yesterday Ram was saying about that and Mr. Somnath invited us along with him yo spend the holidays with him in Kodaikanal. He runs a hotel there in Kodaikanal." Said Agatha. When she was saying Ram came back after speaking to his uncle and said," my uncle knew a place called" The snoozing palace" he said he would get proper permissions for you to do your research. Are you happy now Reena??" " I am super happy Ram. "I can now enjoy and also I can do my research. Hurray." Said Reena with full of happiness. Rahim said," sorry if this is discouraging you Reena. But this is fully my opinion." Said Rahim with a pause and hesitation. "Go on ahead Rahim. I am on ears for criticisms. That will make me grow." Said Reena with confidence. "Reena there are no such things called Ghosts or paranormal activites. It just fake stories said by our anchestors to have belief so called superstitions. I don't encourage such things." Said Rahim in hia low voice being afraid of discouraging his dear friend who doesn't even want to be alone during the holidays because of her work. Reena said" thats completely alright Rahim. It was your opinion. But still I'm gonna pursue my work" said Reena with confidence. "We'll join you during your research" said Agatha. Everyone nodded along with her including Rahim. Everyone was surprised. He said "I said I don't believe in ghost. I didn't say that I won't help my best friend,did I?" Asked as he chuckled. Every one laughed with happiness. After that everyone was afraid what their parents would say. After that everyone said that they can hide the truth of going to that palace. Then everyone plotted their plans of assembling. As usual they went to ice cream parlor. And then they were chit chatting about their exams and as usual they were laughing about Rahim's expression on grades. And all had their ice creams and were discussing about their plans on Kodaikanal about enjoyment they are about to have. And also scheduled their time for Reena's research. Ram's uncle made arrangements for their stay. Every one was enjoying their time. Reena asked who was going to say the schedule for Aravindh. Rahim said that he was going to Aravindh's home to give a book. Others said fine and parted their ways. Rahim went to Aravindh's home and knocked the door. Aranvindh's mother who was weeping clearly still after seeing Rahim managed to hide her tears behind her smile. "Welcome Rahim. How are you dear? How's your family? What about your grades dear?" Asked Mrs. Riya Aravindh's mother with lots of concern. In order to make her smile Rahim made fun out of himself. " I am fine ma, everyone at home too. I am so sorry I was not able to hear the last line ma!!" He said with a smile. Both laughed. Aravindh got down seeing his friend making his mother laugh was so happy and hugged Rahim with great smile And said," thank you for making my mom smile". Rahim replied  " She is also my mom. So I also have a little responsibility to make her smile. Isn't it right ma??" Said Rahim with huge smile. "You are absolutely right dear. You and your friends are my other sons and daughters besides Aravindh. There's no doubt in that." Said Riya with a great smile and hugging both of them. "Aravindh get to your room with Rahim. I'll make lemonade for you both" said Mrs. Riya. Both went to Aravindh's room to discuss about their friend's meet up that has happened today. Mrs. Riya approached them with lemonade. Aravimdh was refusing him to come with him for leave. Mrs. Riya said " Aravindh go out for leave dear. It will be a mind changer for you." "How will I leave you now, ma??" Said Aravindh with a sad face. "He is right ma. Let him join the next year" said Rahim. "No Rahim. He will stay upset if he don't get a mind change. He will come." Said Mrs. Riya with a determination. "Okay ma if you say so..." Said Aravindh with a sad face. " Don't you worry dear. I'll manage here." Said Aravindh's mom and went down for Aravindh's father Mr. Ragunath's call. Ok "where are we going?" Asked Aravindh with confused emotions. "We are going to Kodaikanal. And we are gonna conduct a research on paranormal activites there along with Reena." Said Rahim sipping his lemonade. " When did you grow intrest in research and all Rahim? Is it the end of the World itself? Coz you are intrested in studies. Hahaha" said Aravindh with a laughter. Rahim said" who has intrest in studies and all? Its about Reena's research as I told you earlier." Said Rahim. "Fine fine. Where is she gonna conduct her research? In Kodaikanal?? Or some other place??" Asked Aravindh with a huge intrest. Rahim said everything from the start and unknowingly skipped the haunted place's name. "Wait you did a great job on hiding the research of Reena from the parents if they knew about this they wouldn't allow us to go. What is the name of the place by the way?" Whispered Aravindh. "Oh yes you are right about our parents. The name of the place... Oh God its in the tip of the tongue some palace... Ah...". Aravindh interrupted
"Is it "The snoozing palace?"" He asked with a great sense of fear on his face. "Yes you are right. Its that palace." " No Rahim cancel that plan of going there. Its too risky. It is really haunted. I'm saying from my experience. Please Rahim." Said Aravindh with a great sense of terror on his face. "Come on Aravindh it is all Fake stories" said Rahim.

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