Flowers for She-Ra

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Nova's eyes shot open, her body feeling almost weightless.


She glanced around, unsure of what exactly was happening. Her breathing was uneven, and she could hear her own heartbeat in her head.

Though she was weightless in the darkness around her, she could still move.



Her ear twitched up and back, becoming more uneasy.


"What are you going to say, Nova?"

The wolf shot around, listening to the voice of her mentor, eyes widening upon hearing her.

Shadow Weaver.



She couldn't speak, no matter how much she wanted to. Nothing would come out.

"Your disobedience... your disobedience..."

"I am tired of your disrespect, Force Captain..."


"I brought you in here to set an example..."



Nova kept searching through the shadows, trying to find the source, despite there not being one clear place.

Her head kept turning in accordance with Shadow Weaver's voice as she continued, Nova only growing more upset and afraid.


"I will make sure that you never disrespect me again..."



Suddenly, the shadows loomed over her, and a searing pain shot through Nova's forearms and hands. As she opened her eyes, she could see the marks from the magic, promptly gasping in horror.





Nova caught a breath in her throat as she suddenly jerked awake, her body shooting up from the bed. She was in her human form, and, even more surprisingly, Catra was awake already.

Catra turned her head, noticing Nova was up, "Hey there, howler, did you sleep well?"

But her question was pretty much answered when she saw Nova sitting completely still, eyes wide and staring out, her breathing irregular, like she was afraid.



Nova didn't answer but her breathing remained uneasy and panicked.

"Nova!" Catra realized what was going on and quickly knelt down onto the bunk, beside Nova.

Catra was careful in her approach, understanding that anything sudden could make Nova's condition much worse.



She carefully put an arm around her, slowly rubbing Nova's back.

"Hey, I'm here," Catra assured, whispering as she and Nova made eye contact.

"I'm here."


She-Ra: One TruthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon