Lan Wangji was cut off by a pair of lips silencing him. Not waiting for so long, he kissed him back.

The older man pushed all the things off from the table and pinned Wei Ying there, still making out with him.

Wei Ying pulled away, almist out of breath. "Wait-" he was once again connected with his soon to be husband's lips.

Wei Ying whined softly as Lan Wangji entered his tongue. Exploring his mouth as Lan Wangji listened to the cute small whimpers.

He pulled away, Wei Ying gasping. Lan Wangji panted lightly.


"Wei Ying?.."

"I will marry you."

Xuanyu bang the table, startling everyone as he rose his arms up.


Wei Ying facepalmed while Lan Xichen laughed. Lan Wangji huffed softly.

"Xian-gege! Congratulations!" Lan Yuan smiled as Wei Ying patted his head and thanked him.

Lan Xichen congrats Lan Wangji and his younger brother slightly bowed in thanks.

"Oh! I think we should do a small celebration!" Lan Xichen suggested.

"And their wasted." Wei Ying chuckled.

They have invited Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling earlier. And they want to include the Emperor Smiled. Surprisingly, Lan Qiren agreed.

"Since Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji have shitty alcohol tolerance, i am surprise you are still standing up Grandmaster Lan." Wei Ying said as he took a sip at his water.

Lan Qiren huffed. "Well, your mother always invited me to hang out with them. And she actually brought alcohol— which we ended up getting drunk. Well, except your mother and me.."

"So that's how you found out, Grandmaster Lan?"

"Yes. And your father also has a shitty alcohol tolerance."

Xuanyu Sanren almost spitted his drink after Lan Qiren cursed. And he almost fainted when he can see the spirit of two figures behind Lan Qiren. 'Aunty and Uncle?'

He stared at them, awkwardly. Wei Changze was ready to haunt Lan Qiren while Cangse Sanren was dying of laughter.

Wei Ying laughed.

Soon, Lan Wangji woke up. Wei Ying excused himself and went to escort Lan Wangji out from the Main Hall.

"Come on now Lan Zhan. Let's get you to bed." Wei Ying said.

Lan Wangji looked at him blankly before nodding.

"Oh, how about this? This also suit Wangji's taste. He likes this styles."

"That's nice but, how about this? We can only add a few curtains, not hang many decorations!"

"Let's get that one. Now, the Lan Furen robes!"

Lan Wangji watched as his brother and fiancé were so busy at picking decorations for the wedding.

Since last month, Wei Ying was given a room, a little far away from Jingshi, to avoid any sexual activities before wedding.

"Oh, Lan Wangji!" Xuanyu called.


"So, Grandmaster Lan will be the one to prepare the feasts for the party after the ceremony.

"Wei Ying does not like our usual foods here. Add some sweets and spices."

"You are improving in your speeches, and okay! I'll tell this to Grandmaster Lan." Xuanyu said as he left the Main Hall.

Everyone was getting busy since this afternoon will be the ceremony. Other Sects are on their way and some have arrived.

Wei Ying was getting his hair done with the help of Jiang Cheng.

"I remember, doing this the same when A-Jie was getting married.."

Wei Ying smiled sadly. "Is shijie proud?"

"Of course she is. Your parents are also proud of you. Remember."

Wei Ying smiled and stood up after Jiang Cheng slid the hairstick.

"Thank you, A-Cheng."

"No. Thank you, Wuxian. For all the things you have done. And, i'm sorry."

The people in the hall watched as the couple bowed three times. They bowed to Heaven and Earth, they bowed to show respect to the elderly in front of their relatives, and finally to each other.

After the ceremony, the party starts.

Lan Wangji and Wei Ying stayed for a while before leaving for their wedding night.

(I know the wedding scene is short and i am sorry for that. But, i only know a little about the Chinese Wedding culture and i don't want to give too much information to not to offend anyone about it. I am so sorry)

What Lan Wangji saw and what Wei Ying know in the future came true.

They did adopted Lan Jingyi and is now the second heir of Gusu Lan Sect. Lan Xichen did retired from the position and it was pass to his brother.

Wei Ying and Lan Wangji was bless with a biological child on their own. The two big brothers, Lan Yuan and Lan Jingyi, adore their little brother. He is name Lan Bao.

The end

Thank you so much for reading and for supporting this book everyone!

Sadly, this is the end of this book.

I am indeed planning a sequel for this, but that will have to wait because i have many unfinished books to complete.

Thank you again!

I'll see you again in my other books!

언 녕!

Happy EndingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin