"I do, but I believe you should attempt to convince the court to change their minds or we will both be dead by the end of this."

Luke...couldn't completely disagree. "I already tried to switch assignments. It's not going to happen, Cyl."

Cyl made another noise that sounded like a humph before asking, "Are all of our other patients murderers too? Should I keep a weapon in case one of them tries to kill us?"

Everything looked correct...perhaps it was displeasure at finding out Darth Vader was a patient that was making the droid react the way it did. Perhaps he should put up a sign that read "DROID IN TRAINING, please excuse and report any odd behaviors."

"No, as far as I know they're no more killers than most soldiers." And even then, most of his clientele were in positions where it was technically possible that they'd only been trained to kill, and hadn't yet had the opportunity. "Besides, I'm a therapist. How would it look if my receptionist had a gun at the front desk?"

Cyl considered the question, likely searching the protocols he'd installed for an appropriate answer. "I suppose that would not do. But don't blame me if you get chopped into little pieces, Mr. Lars."

Luke almost corrected the droid...it was his, after all. If anyone would call him Luke Skywalker on this ship, it would be his own droid. But before he could, the doors swished open and in walked Darth Vader.

"Right on time." Cyl said, wheeling over to Darth Vader with a datapad. "You are even five minutes early. Congratulations."

Lord Vader stared at the droid, then looked to him. "You finished."

"Yeah...not sure how I feel about its personality, though."

"My personality is perfect." Cyl objected, then handed Vader the datapad. "Sign in, please."

"I do not need to sign in. You are well aware of who I am."

"Yes, but it is protocol--"

"It's fine, Cyl." Luke interrupted. "Lord Vader can be the exception to the rule."

"Rule breaking already." Cyl shook its head, but nonetheless took the datapad back and rolled back to the reception desk. "Might as well cancel all of your appointments today and go on holiday."

"That won't be necessary." Luke frowned, but shook his head. Perhaps he'd need to attempt to redo the personality circuits from scratch. "Anyway. Come in. Sorry for the awkward greeting."

"I am not awkward." Cyl muttered, and this time both Luke and Lord Vader ignored it as they headed into the office.

The moment the doors were closed, Vader announced, "Surprisingly, I am quite eager to speak with you, Mr. Lars."

Luke paused on his way to his desk. "That is a surprise." He said, somewhat suspiciously, "As is you calling me by my name."

My legal name for now, he added in his head. He'd planned to submit the name change application tonight when he'd finished for the day, but it had taken him weeks to get Vader to call him by his name, he couldn't imagine how long it would take him to get him to change it again. Maybe he'd hold off.

"I have my reasons." Was Vader's cryptic answer.

Well. He could revisit that in a moment. He sat down, pulling out his datapad. He knew better by this point than to offer Vader the seat in front of him. "So are you eager to see me because you practiced FAST and had success?"

"Oh, no, that did not last more than one conversation. I killed an officer just yesterday for his idiocy."

Luke withheld a sigh.

Darth Vader Goes to TherapyWhere stories live. Discover now