I Think We Should Be Happy

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"Jay, try this." Sunoo offers, "It's really good."

"Sure, my baby," Jay smiles and takes the forkful of cake. "Hmm, it is!"

A week after the picnic that didn't happen, Sunoo and Jay finally found time that they could agree on: Friday after classes. Jay had found this quaint little cafe a few blocks away from school. Yes, it was Jay who found it and he had asked for the date this time. It was a stroke of luck after being granted a discount partnership for the university last week.

On that cloudy afternoon, they were sitting by the cafe window. Outside, soft clouds pass by covering the sun just perfectly. Sunoo moves his gaze from the sky to Jay, sitting in front of him, and flashes a bright smile while savoring the piece of strawberry cake in his mouth. Jay was at a lost for words. In front of him was the most beautiful boy in the world, and he was the one receiving that smile.

Jay smiles to himself. He has to do it. He has to seize the moment. With his hand under the table, he discreetly pulls out a blue velvet box. It was big enough to only fit a ring. He casually puts it between him and Sunoo. Sunoo's eyes widened.

"What, what is that?" Sunoo covers his mouth with his fingers instinctively, a habit the other finds irresistible. "It's not our anniversary yet."

Jay grins and pushes the box towards him. "It's not, but open it anyway."

Sunoo gingerly takes the box off the table and gawks. Inside the square box, sitting on silver silk is a diamond-studded gold brooch. His mouth forms a shocked 'o' as he carefully takes out the pin and holds it in the light.

"It's so shiny!" Sunoo giggles and clutches the brooch in his hand and leans towards Jay.

"What is it for??" Sunoo mumbles. He pouts, almost begging for a kiss. Jay only smiles and takes the pin out of his hands.

He continues to pin it to Sunoo's dress shirt collar. In that moment, Sunoo can only look at Jay's face. He smiles although he didn't get a kiss. Despite Jay's considerable effort to spoil him or respond to his advances, the older has always been a little conservative. Even now as his gentle fingers lightly tug on his collar, careful not to even graze his neck. He's always so careful and prudent. He says it's because he's a disciplinary prefect so he had to be a good example but Sunoo always thinks it was just because he's Jay.

"It's so that everyone knows..." Jay explains, "That you're clearly mine."

Sunoo blushes but he hides it behind his hands. Jay pretends to not notice it.

Jay had heard about Sunghoon keeping his boyfriend company. He didn't appreciate it one bit. That sports boy always hung too close to his baby, flexing his thin muscular arms or whatnot. Sunoo, he trusted, it wasn't his fault he's perfect and adorable. Noone can keep themselves away from him. Sunghoon, on the other hand, can suck it.

"My baby is mine." Jay accidentally commented out loud. Clearing his throat, he apologizes. Sunoo giggles. Everyone thinks Jay was cool and collected, Sunoo is glad he sees more than that side of him.

"Sunghoon is just a friend." The younger assures. "He's just very... Attentive, is all."

"More like, nosy. No boy is ever just attentive. " Jay seethes. "I was only being attentive to you too and here we are now."

Sunoo beams at Jay. He was being possessive and jealous. It was a rare sight. Although Sunoo didn't enjoy it happening to Jay, the other doesn't fail to make his heart flutter when he lets it show how affected is. It may not look like it to anyone, but Sunoo always thought that Jay was too good for him. He was tall, handsome, popular—he's literally a campus crush. Moments like these remind him of how sincere Jay is.

"Jay... You're so cute." Sunoo mumbles under his breath, pretending to mind his slice of cake.

A hand slides under his chin and lifts it up. Jay's gaze is locked onto Sunoo's. His smirk was too playful for Sunoo to handle. "And don't you forget it."

Sunoo blushes hard. In one swipe, Jay's hand drops to his fork, stealing the last bite of cake.

"Meanie." Sunoo playfully rolls his eyes.

This time, he went in to almost steal a kiss, but before their lips could touch someone successively strikes on the clear window beside them, shocking them both. Outside the cafe was Sunghoon and his best buddy.

Sunghoon grins at them, seeing Jay infuriated by the interruption. The friend beside him rolls his eyes. Sunoo could only gawk at them.


Thank you to my first reader. I appreciate the support and excitement so much! I hope you like this chapter as well.

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